
Historical Stereo Extractions

Historical Stereo Extractions

The scenes from his­toric doc­u­men­taries pre­sent­ed here were up until now only view­able in 2D, but thanks to the hor­i­zon­tal move­ment of the cam­era and/or the object with­in the video, I was able to ‘extract’ stereo pairs by com­bin­ing select­ed stills with­out the use of (arti­fi­cial) manip­u­la­tion. As a result, I was able to cre­ate 3D images from 2D video, in some cas­es almost a cen­tu­ry “after the fact”.

3D Slices & Shapes

3D Slices & Shapes

The stereo of the tree with mul­ti­col­ored foliage below was my orig­i­nal inspi­ra­tion for this series: it has so many patch­es of var­i­ous col­ors that when you mir­ror cer­tain slices, dif­fer­ent col­ors abut one anoth­er, and it winds up look­ing like a pas­tiche of many trees rather than just one.

VSC Meeting, June 2021

VSC Meeting, June 2021

We have some fun and infor­ma­tive pre­sen­ta­tions in store for you! Come hang with your fel­low 3D enthu­si­asts for a lit­tle while and enjoy some won­der­ful iPhone stereo pho­tog­ra­phy, 3D slic­ing and View-Mas­ter nos­tal­gia. Join us on Sun­day, June 6th 2021 at 2:00 pm EDT / 18:00 GMT / 8:00 pm CEST

Deep Clouds

Deep Clouds

The fol­low­ing col­lec­tion is a small sam­ple of my favorite cloud stereo pho­tos from the last few years while fly­ing over Europe and the South­west­ern por­tion of the Unit­ed States.

May 2nd meeting recordings posted

May 2nd meeting recordings posted

Check out the fab­u­lous­ly crys­tal-clear ver­sion of Diego’s infor­ma­tive stereo pho­tog­ra­phy pre­sen­ta­tion of our last meet­ing! There were band­width issues dur­ing his pre­sen­ta­tion but now you can see all his 3D imagery clear­ly. And if you missed Dominik’s pin­hole stereo cam­era pro­duc­tion tuto­r­i­al or Pas­cal’s Tax­iphote talk, please check out those, too — great stuff!

How To Free View Stereoscopic Pairs

How To Free View Stereoscopic Pairs

The tech­nique how to free view varies a bit from per­son to per­son, and it is sim­ply dif­fi­cult to explain in words. Last but not least, free view­ing has some advan­tages, but is not nec­es­sary if you have a view­er. But with a lit­tle prac­tice you will expe­ri­ence a whole new dimen­sion of photography!

The Spirit of Nature

The Spirit of Nature

Car­leen’s pho­tog­ra­phy reflects her ongo­ing pas­sion for nature, and the solid­i­ty and reas­sur­ance nature brings. See six of her most calm­ing and peace­ful stereo pho­tos here.

A stereo tour through Bremen

A stereo tour through Bremen

Bre­men is one of the 5 most pop­u­lar cities in Ger­many, prob­a­bly also because of their mar­itime his­to­ry and flair. I would like to take you on a lit­tle stereo tour to vis­it some of my favourite places. 

Le Taxiphote — the most famous French stereo viewer

Le Taxiphote — the most famous French stereo viewer

The Veras­cope and the Tax­iphote are two halves of an unbe­liev­able stereo devel­op­ment effort that went on for 40 years essen­tial­ly with­out any changes. The Tax­iphote was export­ed to and patent­ed in many coun­tries. All this serves as an exam­ple of how attrac­tive stere­oscopy was at that time, and also con­firms the qual­i­ty of the Tax­iphotes as a tech­ni­cal device. We can only guess at the pres­tige of hav­ing a Tax­iphote at that time. 

VSC Meeting, May 2021

VSC Meeting, May 2021

Join us on Sun­day, May 2nd at 2:00 pm EDT / 18:00 GMT / 8:00 pm CEST. The VSC is excit­ed to begin our new meet­ing for­mat with a Stereo Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Spot­light, a Tuto­r­i­al and a talk about His­to­ry & Col­lect­ing. Also, we want to announce that all the past talk record­ings are now available!

A Plea for Analog Stereo Photography

A Plea for Analog Stereo Photography

I under­stand it’s 2021 and I’m talk­ing about shoot­ing on film. From an edu­ca­tion­al stand­point though, the lim­i­ta­tions it impos­es forces you to learn the basics of expo­sure, com­po­si­tion and how to be more inten­tion­al with your artis­tic choic­es. Spend­ing an hour or two mount­ing slides is def­i­nite­ly an exer­cise in humil­i­ty as you reflect on all the things you wish you did right. As you get famil­iar with it, there’s a rhythm that devel­ops with the tac­tile expe­ri­ence and it’s pret­ty relaxing.

True Crime in Old Stereographs

True Crime in Old Stereographs

What is meant by true crime? It’s a non­fic­tion genre hav­ing to do with actu­al crimes, usu­al­ly mur­der. It’s pop­u­lar now, but it was pop­u­lar in the 19th cen­tu­ry too‒just think of the pen­ny press and the Nation­al Police Gazette. As the joke says, “Crime may not pay, but it sells!”. I was curi­ous to see if it made its way into stereo cards, too. In what fol­lows, I’ve tried to pro­vide a thumb­nail sketch of each crime. Accounts from the time often vary, so I’ve tried to present a com­pos­ite set of the facts which I think are the most likely.