Month: June 2021

Nostalgia, Semiotics & Weird Stuff: A Guide to Collecting View-Master

Nostalgia, Semiotics & Weird Stuff: A Guide to Collecting View-Master

It’s prob­a­bly safe to assume that most peo­ple were intro­duced to 3D images via View-Mas­ter. Intro­duced at the 1939 New York World’s Fair, the hand­held 3D view­er was a very pop­u­lar for­mat that sold lit­er­al­ly bil­lions of prod­ucts from the 1940s right on through the 2000s. Here you’ll find a brief his­to­ry of View-Mas­ter, some images from my col­lec­tion and key con­tent cat­e­gories that may be of inter­est to those look­ing to start or grow their collections. 

Historical Stereo Extractions

Historical Stereo Extractions

The scenes from his­toric doc­u­men­taries pre­sent­ed here were up until now only view­able in 2D, but thanks to the hor­i­zon­tal move­ment of the cam­era and/or the object with­in the video, I was able to ‘extract’ stereo pairs by com­bin­ing select­ed stills with­out the use of (arti­fi­cial) manip­u­la­tion. As a result, I was able to cre­ate 3D images from 2D video, in some cas­es almost a cen­tu­ry “after the fact”.

3D Slices & Shapes

3D Slices & Shapes

The stereo of the tree with mul­ti­col­ored foliage below was my orig­i­nal inspi­ra­tion for this series: it has so many patch­es of var­i­ous col­ors that when you mir­ror cer­tain slices, dif­fer­ent col­ors abut one anoth­er, and it winds up look­ing like a pas­tiche of many trees rather than just one.