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- The Ives Kromskop
- Smartphone Syncing — The Best of Two Worlds
- My Stereoview Box Set Collection and 3D Photography
Latest galleries
- Welcome to the Steampunk Menagerie
- Lisbon in 3D — with lively depth
- Polaroid Stereographic Worlds
Welcome photographers, collectors, and lovers of stereoscopy!
It doesn’t matter if you are just curious about how stereoscopy works or if you’ve been taking your own stereo photos for years. Maybe you just found an old handheld viewer in your grandparent’s attic or your collection of Victorian stereo slides has been growing for decades. This page is for you.
blog and galleries — Since its launch in August 2020 many different authors already have contributed all kinds of content related to stereoscopy. Beside collector’s treasures and stunning photo galleries from around the world you will also find tutorials including new methods of stereo photography as well as basic guides suitable for beginners.
Virtual Stereoscopic Community — The Stereosite is also the home for the Virtual Stereoscopic Community. The VSC is a new sort of global 3D family, bringing together all kinds of people from all kinds of places to live online meetings once a month.
Individual support — All of us, especially enthusiastic beginners, sometimes face technical issues with our own stereo photos. That’s why we have launched a support panel that you can send your images and individual questions to. This way it is easily possible to work on images you are unsure about without uploading them anywhere public. Besides, we have also some basic tutorials to help you get started.
Get involved — I would be very happy to find new people who are able and willing to share their knowledge, treasures and their stereo photos on here. Please feel free to get in touch via e‑mail: Last but not least I want to thank my team of stereo friends who regularly help to maintain this website.
Pascal Martiné