
VSC Announcements

Next meet­ing
Octo­ber 6th 2024, 2pm EDT / 8pm CEST

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Wel­come pho­tog­ra­phers, col­lec­tors, and lovers of stereoscopy!

It does­n’t mat­ter if you are just curi­ous about how stere­oscopy works or if you’ve been tak­ing your own stereo pho­tos for years. Maybe you just found an old hand­held view­er in your grandparent’s attic or your col­lec­tion of Vic­to­ri­an stereo slides has been grow­ing for decades. This page is for you.

blog and gal­leries — Since its launch in August 2020 many dif­fer­ent authors already have con­tributed all kinds of con­tent relat­ed to stere­oscopy. Beside collector’s trea­sures and stun­ning pho­to gal­leries from around the world you will also find tuto­ri­als includ­ing new meth­ods of stereo pho­tog­ra­phy as well as basic guides suit­able for beginners.

Vir­tu­al Stereo­scop­ic Com­mu­ni­ty — The Stere­osite is also the home for the Vir­tu­al Stereo­scop­ic Com­mu­ni­ty. The VSC is a new sort of glob­al 3D fam­i­ly, bring­ing togeth­er all kinds of peo­ple from all kinds of places to live online meet­ings once a month. 

Indi­vid­ual sup­port — All of us, espe­cial­ly enthu­si­as­tic begin­ners, some­times face tech­ni­cal issues with our own stereo pho­tos. That’s why we have launched a sup­port pan­el that you can send your images and indi­vid­ual ques­tions to. This way it is eas­i­ly pos­si­ble to work on images you are unsure about with­out upload­ing them any­where pub­lic. Besides, we have also some basic tuto­ri­als to help you get started.

Get involved — I would be very hap­py to find new peo­ple who are able and will­ing to share their knowl­edge, trea­sures and their stereo pho­tos on here. Please feel free to get in touch via e‑mail: pascal@stereosite.com. Last but not least I want to thank my team of stereo friends who reg­u­lar­ly help to main­tain this website.

Pas­cal Martiné

This Month’s Collectible

Large, foldable Graphoscope, Luxe
; Lewis, Henry J.; c. 1875; M-ST076
Large, foldable Graphoscope, Luxe
; Lewis, Henry J.; c. 1875; M-ST076
Large, foldable Graphoscope, Luxe
; Lewis, Henry J.; c. 1875; M-ST076