Month: February 2021

Translucent stereoscopic symmetry

Translucent stereoscopic symmetry

The work being dis­played in this gallery I call dou­ble expo­sure stereo­scop­ic images. I start with a stereo­scop­ic image in side by side “par­al­lel view” for­mat and process the images for the left and the right eye sep­a­rate­ly. I use an image edi­tor to pro­duce 

Villa Ecclesiae

Villa Ecclesiae

The cen­ter­piece of these stere­oviews is Igle­sias, in the province of South Sar­dinia, Italy. It was found­ed in 1258, and its orig­i­nal name was Vil­la Ecclesiae.

Stereo cards from modern times

Stereo cards from modern times

I present you a series of mod­ern stereo cards, inspired by the Vic­to­ri­an way of depict­ing real­i­ty: Stereo­scop­ic pho­tog­ra­phy. I’ve been inspired and fas­ci­nat­ed by the atmos­phere of old stereo­scop­ic cards, which were, in their time, the most real­is­tic way to immor­tal­ize and then relive the mem­o­ries dri­ven by the sight of a par­tic­u­lar scene. I show you how to cre­ate your own mod­ern stereo card in 10 minutes!

A breeze from Brazil

A breeze from Brazil

The vil­lage stere­os por­trays the charm­ing his­tor­i­cal cen­ter of the city of Tiradentes, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, one of my favorite places.