Month: August 2020

A Multiview Stereoscope Comparison

A Multiview Stereoscope Comparison

Mul­ti­view stere­o­scopes are table stere­o­scopes that are capa­ble of show­ing mul­ti­ple images in one view­ing ses­sion. These view­ers use a slide tray or chain in which the stere­oviews are placed. By turn­ing a crank or push­ing down a lever, the images are dis­played one by one. 

Rigoletto stereo portraits

Rigoletto stereo portraits

Here you see the cast mem­bers of The St Peters­burg Opera Com­pa­ny. All images were cre­at­ed back­stage dur­ing a performance.

Scottish stereo sunrises

Scottish stereo sunrises

The Scot­tish wilder­ness can be a mag­i­cal place to be, espe­cial­ly dur­ing sun­rise in sum­mer. It is easy to be cap­ti­vat­ed by the beauty. 

Going beyond the scope

Going beyond the scope

The toy fig­ures in this gallery are care­ful­ly and play­ful­ly staged. But most star­tling is that they break through the stereo window!

Lakeside stereo photos from Norway and Sweden

Lakeside stereo photos from Norway and Sweden

tak­en in april 2020 near Mainz, Germany

Evolving to a twin camera set up

Evolving to a twin camera set up

If you are already tak­ing stereo pic­tures, well done! How­ev­er, if you desire to broad­en your hori­zons by cap­tur­ing more chal­leng­ing images, for exam­ple freez­ing motion, or cre­at­ing dra­mat­ic land­scapes, then a twin cam­era set up may be the answer.

A different look at stairways

A different look at stairways

Look at the incred­i­ble vari­ety of stair­ways and their dynam­ic expres­sion increased through stereoscopy.

A hidden world

A hidden world

Macro pho­tog­ra­phy pro­vides a win­dow into what the naked eyes can­not see.

Macro stereo photography: a beginner’s perspective

Macro stereo photography: a beginner’s perspective

This arti­cle describes a sim­pli­fied approach to macro stere­os, which should serve as a start­ing point for fur­ther exper­i­men­ta­tion with this medium.

Unique floral photography

Unique floral photography

Remov­ing the back­ground of flo­ral pho­tog­ra­phy will show­case the intri­cate beau­ty of even the sim­plest of flow­ers. Here you can read how to do it.

Just flowers

Just flowers

unique flo­ral pho­tog­ra­phy with back­grounds removed

Springtime evening

Springtime evening

tak­en in april 2020 near Mainz, Germany