Space handpainting

The fol­low­ing six images show some of my ‘space hand­paint­ings’ that were cre­at­ed using the 3D paint­ing app Blender. I used to export them as a video and let the vis­i­tor ‘fly’ through my lit­tle paint­ed worlds. More recent­ly I’ve tried export­ing them as stereo­scop­ic pairs to enable vis­i­tors to watch them in real 3D. These are the first results.

© 2021 Gaku Tada

Gaku Tada (Wellington, New Zealand)

I learned Com­put­er Ani­ma­tion at col­lege and start­ed my career work­ing for the film indus­try in Los Ange­les. I worked sev­er­al big shows and then moved to New Zealand for for the Lord of Rings com­pa­ny, and worked on films such as King Kong, Avatar, Plan­et of Apes and more. I was in the lighting/rendering depart­ment to make com­put­er gen­er­at­ed images look real — to fit in with real pho­tog­ra­phy. 
Now I am a free­lance artist and run­ning a tutor­ing busi­ness. I spend a lot of time for mak­ing real­is­tic images, but now I am more into illus­tra­tion images. I use Blender soft­ware to cre­ate 3D illus­tra­tions. My style is sim­ple, I believe emp­ty space encour­ages peo­ple’s imag­i­na­tions. 

Insta­gram-pro­file: gaku.tada