Smartphone Syncing — The Best of Two Worlds

Smartphone Syncing — The Best of Two Worlds

Crowd­ed places, ani­mals, wind or water — move­ment in gen­er­al is a No-Go if you’re tak­ing stereo pho­tos with your smart­phone. These are only some rea­sons why I start­ed work­ing on a solu­tion for sync­ing two smart­phones. After almost a year, I have a ful­ly func­tion­al set­up with two iPhones.

MINUTA STEREO — a new pinhole stereo camera

MINUTA STEREO — a new pinhole stereo camera

In 2020 the MINUTA STEREO Pin­hole Cam­era cam­paign got suc­cess­ful­ly fund­ed on Kick­starter with­in one month. The devel­op­er tells what hap­pened since.

A view behind the curtain of StereoPhoto Maker

A view behind the curtain of StereoPhoto Maker

StereoPho­to Mak­er, a soft­ware devel­oped by the Japan­ese stereo pho­tog­ra­ph­er Masu­ji Suto, made things a lot eas­i­er for dig­i­tal stereo pho­tog­ra­phy. Believe it or not, he is not a pro­fes­sion­al soft­ware devel­op­er! Like most of us, Masu­ji is just pas­sion­ate about stere­oscopy and is hap­py to help the com­mu­ni­ty with his soft­ware devel­op­ing skills. Curi­ous about him? We met him for an interview.

A Trip to the Underworld

A Trip to the Underworld

Ladies and Gen­tle­men, please fas­ten your seat­belts because we are going to embark on a trip to the Under­world! This is a series of “Mod­ern Dia­b­leries” inspired by the orig­i­nal French Tis­sue stereo cards.
While most of the time the orig­i­nal Dia­b­leries were intend­ed to be scary, my approach and inter­pre­ta­tion on such Dev­il­ments is most­ly cheer­ful and entertaining.

Stereo photography to go — from start to finish in 3 minutes

Stereo photography to go — from start to finish in 3 minutes

This tuto­r­i­al is based on my per­son­al work­flow for cre­at­ing side-by-side stere­os and includes sev­er­al apps for tak­ing, align­ing, com­bin­ing, and post-pro­cess­ing stereopho­tos. From shot to post, all files stay entire­ly on the smart­phone. Depend­ing on the occa­sion I slight­ly mod­i­fy my work­flow by adding, replac­ing, or skip­ping par­tic­u­lar steps. But on aver­age the process real­ly comes down to 3 min­utes to get a fin­ished side-by-side stereophoto.

Bright loose images for the Monumental Art series

Bright loose images for the Monumental Art series

I am record­ing and doc­u­ment­ing in 3D wher­ev­er I go, such as Gal­leries and Muse­ums, and espe­cial­ly, when a Mon­u­men­tal Instal­la­tion by an Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist, or artists takes place.

How to Make Flush Mount Stereo Cards

How to Make Flush Mount Stereo Cards

Here is a step-by-step guide to mak­ing flush mount stereo cards. Flush mount means cards in which the art­work extends all the way to the edge of the card itself, as shown in the photos.

A Plea for Analog Stereo Photography

A Plea for Analog Stereo Photography

I under­stand it’s 2021 and I’m talk­ing about shoot­ing on film. From an edu­ca­tion­al stand­point though, the lim­i­ta­tions it impos­es forces you to learn the basics of expo­sure, com­po­si­tion and how to be more inten­tion­al with your artis­tic choic­es. Spend­ing an hour or two mount­ing slides is def­i­nite­ly an exer­cise in humil­i­ty as you reflect on all the things you wish you did right. As you get famil­iar with it, there’s a rhythm that devel­ops with the tac­tile expe­ri­ence and it’s pret­ty relaxing.

The Magic of Hyper Stereos

The Magic of Hyper Stereos

The view­ing expe­ri­ence of stereo pho­tos some­times is just as if you could step right into the scene. But the flat­ness of dis­tant land­scapes is an unde­ni­able draw­back for the stereo­scop­ic effect.
Read about the rea­sons and meth­ods to enhance the depth in such stereo pho­tos. Look at his­toric glass slides as well as at mod­ern drone stereo photos.

Deep space stereo drawings

Deep space stereo drawings

Ready for a jour­ney into deep space? Then why not cre­ate your own uni­verse by draw­ing it? Space and galax­ies have always fas­ci­nat­ed me and when I start­ed paint­ing some years ago I cre­at­ed sev­er­al galax­ies in the clas­si­cal way — in 2D on can­vas. A lit­tle lat­er, I got the idea of con­vert­ing my paint­ings into 3D. Final­ly, I switched from can­vas to dig­i­tal artwork.

Stereo cards from modern times

Stereo cards from modern times

I present you a series of mod­ern stereo cards, inspired by the Vic­to­ri­an way of depict­ing real­i­ty: Stereo­scop­ic pho­tog­ra­phy. I’ve been inspired and fas­ci­nat­ed by the atmos­phere of old stereo­scop­ic cards, which were, in their time, the most real­is­tic way to immor­tal­ize and then relive the mem­o­ries dri­ven by the sight of a par­tic­u­lar scene. I show you how to cre­ate your own mod­ern stereo card in 10 minutes!

Symbiosis of art — a sculptor’s stereo photos

Symbiosis of art — a sculptor’s stereo photos

Unlike paint­ing, in sculp­ture, the per­cep­tion of spa­tial depth may be the most impor­tant thing to con­sid­er. The rela­tion­ship of each of the ele­ments dis­trib­uted in the space is the real chal­lenge to take into account in cre­at­ing sculp­ture. In the vast major­i­ty of cas­es, col­or is dis­pensed with to focus atten­tion on three-dimen­sion­al shapes. In a tra­di­tion­al two-dimen­sion­al pho­to­graph of a sculp­ture that per­cep­tion of depth is lost, and there­fore two-dimen­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phy is a very inef­fec­tive means to rep­re­sent the spa­tial aware­ness of a sculpture.