VSC Meeting, July 2021

Sunday, July 11th at 2:00 pm EDT / 18:00 GMT / 8:00 pm CEST

Hey, 3D friends! Don’t for­get that our July 4th meet­ing has been moved to July 11th to accom­mo­date the 4th of July hol­i­day in the Unit­ed States. We have excit­ing pre­sen­ta­tions planned — from astral stereopho­tog­ra­phy to 3D mon­u­men­tal art to mak­ing your own stereo cards! See you on Sun­day, July 11th!

Stereo Photographer Spotlight

Is this the real space? Is this just fantasy?

Vanes­sa Grein

My pre­sen­ta­tion will be a dif­fer­ent kind of space jour­ney. I will be show­ing you some of my dig­i­tal neb­u­la draw­ings. With the help of David Kuntz I turned them into stereo­scop­ic images by using depth maps in Pho­to­shop. Trav­el with us and dis­cov­er new fan­ci­ful neb­u­lae. All images will be shown in par­al­lel view.

Stereoscopic Trends

The 3D Monumental Art Installations

D. Carl­ton Bright

One of the cat­e­gories of my 3D work is “The Mon­u­men­tal Art Instal­la­tions”. It is an ongo­ing series that pre­serves a 3D expe­ri­ence of  mon­u­men­tal, but tem­po­rary art exhi­bi­tions and instal­la­tions. My talk will fea­ture  Carston Holler’s TEST SITE at Lon­dons’  TATE muse­um in 2007 and Kara Walk­ers  SUBTLETY at the Domi­no Sug­ar Fac­to­ry in 2014.

Stereo Photography Tutorial

How to Make Stereo Cards

David Kuntz

You took a pret­ty pic­ture, and now you want to make it into a stereo card. How? This will be a step-by-step guide to actu­al­ly assem­bling your print­ed pho­to, any art­work you want to put on the back of the card, and the card stock (the card­board you’re mount­ing it on) into a fin­ished, trimmed card.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, go to vsc.stereosite.com to join.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.