
On this site you find some mod­ern stereopho­tos of var­i­ous mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty. I’m real­ly hap­py to have got­ten per­mis­sion to show them here. If pos­si­ble I’ve added a link to their own web­site or social media and I high­ly rec­om­mend to pay them a vis­it. Among them are also some stere­os I’ve tak­en myself. Unless oth­er­wise stat­ed all images are pro­vid­ed for par­al­lel viewing.

If you want to know more about how to view these images, take a look at View­ing meth­ods. For any­one who feels more com­fort­able by using a view­er the LSC Lite OWL is a good choice for view­ing par­al­lel stere­os on screen.

Prob­a­bly you’ll need to adjust the image size for a bet­ter view­ing expe­ri­ence. The short­cuts crtl + [+] and crtl + [-] work for most browsers. Crtl + 0 brings every­thing back to it’s orig­i­nal size. If you have a Mac use cmd instead of ctrl in these shortcuts.

Latest galleries:

  • Wel­come to the Steam­punk Menagerie

    Steam­punk is a genre and aes­thet­ic inspired by Vic­to­ri­an-era indus­tri­al­ism that is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly retro and futur­is­tic. It imag­ines a world of advanced tech­nol­o­gy some­how pow­ered by steam and mechan­i­cal devices rather than elec­tric and gas engines and mod­ern micro­elec­tron­ics. Steam­punk mech­a­nisms are often com­plex and elab­o­rate – con­struct­ed of gears, cogs, heavy brass plates and fit­tings, all held togeth­er with lots of riv­ets, along with a lib­er­al use of black and red leather. 

    These stereo views imag­ine a diverse steam­punk menagerie  in a vari­ety of fan­ci­ful set­tings – from beneath the sea to out­er space. Enjoy the visuals!

    © 2023 V. Grein and D. Kuntz

    Vanessa Grein (Aachen, Germany) / David Kuntz (Los Angeles, USA)

    Vanes­sa and David are fre­quent 3D col­lab­o­ra­tors. Their col­lab­o­ra­tive work often com­bines tra­di­tion­al 3D pho­tog­ra­phy, hand drawn ele­ments, and com­put­er-gen­er­at­ed imagery. Their Mag­i­cal Crea­tures series won 1st Place at the NSA 3D-Con stere­o­card com­pe­ti­tion in 2022 and the image Pega­sus was also fea­tured in the book Stere­so­copy is Good For You by Sir Bri­an May. In 2023, the Steam­punk Menagerie series of stereo cards shown here in the gallery also won 1st Place at 3D-Con aas well as the Tex Tread­well Award 2023.

    Insta­gram-pro­file: vanessa.grein / hub­ble­doge

  • Lis­bon in 3D — with live­ly depth

    Dur­ing my flight to Madeira I was very lucky to have a whole day stopover in Lis­bon, which was the per­fect test for my new Smart­phone-Rig. It has proven itself to work well, cap­tur­ing even the liveli­est scenes with ease. Enjoy these six stere­os that would not have been pos­si­ble with­out this rig. Expe­ri­ence this beau­ti­ful and incred­i­bly alive city in 3‑D.

    © 2023 Felix Schlicht

    Felix Schlicht (München, Germany)

    I start­ed tak­ing my own stereo­scop­ic images in mid-2020 when I first dis­cov­ered that free-view­ing stereo­scop­ic images is pos­si­ble. Since then, with every pho­to I take I always find an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a sec­ond pho­to from a dif­fer­ent angle to cre­ate a stereo. While hik­ing I dis­cov­ered that increas­ing the dis­tance between the two images makes it pos­si­ble to see depth even in dis­tant objects like moun­tains, which oth­er­wise would have appeared flat. I use my Smart­phone Cam­era (Pix­el 4a) to take stere­os of just about any­thing, but my pre­ferred stereo sub­jects are moun­tains and land­scapes. I recent­ly acquired anoth­er Pix­el 4a to final­ly be able to cap­ture mov­ing scenes in stereo, which has opened many new pos­si­bil­i­ties for me.

    Insta­gram-pro­file: fel.3d

  • Polaroid Stere­o­graph­ic Worlds

    I dis­cov­ered that I could cre­ate stere­o­graph­ic worlds using POLAROID SX-70 cam­eras in the 1984. Some were stan­dard 3D images (like the STREET LIFE Series), but by stag­ing unusu­al objects and mate­ri­als found in the aging indus­tri­al area of low­er Man­hat­tan, var­i­ous tableaus were cre­at­ed and slow­ly evolved in my stu­dio. With the Polaroid SX-70 cam­eras, I record­ed the var­i­ous devel­op­ments steroeop­ti­cal­ly, cre­at­ing over 50 tableau’s in a 3 year peri­od. Although 3D video is the cur­rent focus of my cre­ative work, these stand-alone 3D polaroid cre­ations from 3 decades ago set the tone for what was to come. Here are six sam­ples from that orig­i­nal body of 3D polaroid work.

    “Wheels” from the Series: STREET LIFE.
    “Cat­a­combs” from the Series: CHIAROSCUROS. (Mul­ti­ple exposures)
    “Tri­umvi­rate” from the FANTASY Series. (A glass globe, fig­urine, col­or and translu­cent filters)
    “Inter­nal Transept” from the FANTASY Series. (Card­board tubes, Bean Husks, slide pro­jec­tion, cot­ton, weld­ed cop­per wire)
    “The Pearl” from the FANTASY Series. (Cof­fee grounds, a toi­let bowl, a clip-on light)
    “The Third Can­to” from the FANTASY Series. (Hot glue gun han­dle, lima bean husks, clay, a 1930s record cov­er, kitchen vinyl flooring)

    © 2023 D. Carl­ton Bright

    D. Carlton Bright (New York City, USA)

    I’m a video artist who has been mak­ing inroads into the expres­sive pos­si­bil­i­ties of stere­o­graph­ic, or 3D art­work since the mov­ing to NYC in the ear­ly 1980s. Orig­i­nal­ly a sculp­tor, I found my two main fields of inter­est nat­u­ral­ly dove­tailed togeth­er in the cre­ation, or com­pos­ing of 3D video art­work. A major inno­va­tion has been uti­liz­ing musi­cal nomen­cla­ture in the com­pos­ing process of 3D videos. My work has been fea­tured in the Inter­na­tion­al 3‑D Con­ven­tion, and the Ven­tana Gallery and the Holog­ra­phy cen­ter in NYC.

    Insta­gram-pro­file: carl­ton­bright

  • Phan­tograms from Macro­phant 3D

    Upon attend­ing a Nation­al Stereo­scop­ic Asso­ci­a­tion in 2004 in Port­land Ore­gon, I sat in on a phan­togram work­shop offered by Steve Hugh­es, and was impressed by Ter­ry Wilson’s phan­tograms there.  With­in a few months I was cre­at­ing phan­tograms of house­hold objects and then of nat­ur­al subjects.

    These images are from my most recent book “Macro­phant 3D”, pub­lished at the end of 2020 in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Jim McManus. It is a col­lec­tion of 60 macro phan­tograms.  In the book they’re shown in anaglyph, par­al­lel view and cross-eyed view.

    © 2023 Bar­ry Rothstein

    Barry Rothstein (Long Beach, California, USA)

    Before 2003 my pho­tog­ra­phy was most­ly black & white medi­um for­mat por­trait shots. I first stum­bled into stereo pho­tog­ra­phy upon see­ing a stere­o­scope at an antique store and was imme­di­ate­ly fas­ci­nat­ed, and start­ed cre­at­ing stereo images.
    In May 2005 I self-pub­lished his first book, “Phan­tograms from Nature, West­ern USA”.  My next was a chil­dren’s book “Pop-Up 3D” in 2007.  “Eye-Pop­ping 3‑D Pets” in 2009, and “Eye-Pop­ping 3‑D Bugs” in 2011 were pub­lished by Chron­i­cle Books and lat­er re-pub­lished in Ital­ian and Japan­ese.  In 2009 I self-pub­lished “Crossview 3‑D”, a col­lec­tion of cross-eyed view images by twen­ty-six stere­o­g­ra­phers.
    Since 2010 I have pro­duced an image blog each week that I email to those inter­est­ed in receiv­ing them.  The many years of his “image-of-the-week” blog can be accessed here
    Since cre­at­ing my first book I have pre­sent­ed phan­togram work­shops at numer­ous NSA and ISU con­ven­tions and exhib­it­ed at sev­er­al Mak­er Faire and var­i­ous sci­ence fair events, as well as hav­ing been show­cased at sev­er­al gallery events in south­ern Cal­i­for­nia.

    Insta­gram-pro­file: 3ddigitalphoto

  • Land­scapes of Scot­land and Wales

    I have been try­ing to cap­ture the beau­ty of Scot­land (my home coun­try) and Wales (where I live now) in 3D.  These land­scapes proved a great way to learn how to make the most of the depth from sin­gle-lens cha-chas and with the lim­it­ed base­line of the Fuji Finepix 3D W3. Of course, much cred­it must also go to my dog Punky, who pro­vid­ed a great focal point for many of my W3 landscapes.

    © 2023 Dave Wynn

    Dave Wynn (Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom)

    I am a train­er and cli­mate advo­cate for a near­by com­pa­ny.  I am very new to stereo­scop­ic pho­tog­ra­phy.  How­ev­er, I have been an advo­cate of 3D all my life, ever since I saw comics drawn in that red/green anaglyph, and also a fright­en­ing expe­ri­ence as a child watch­ing Jaws 3 in 3D.  Rub­bish film –great 3D!  I also very much enjoy 3D gam­ing via my Ocu­lus VR head­set. It was Bri­an May and his book ‘Queen in 3‑D’ which set me on my stereo pho­to jour­ney in Octo­ber 2021.  I love that book, par­tic­u­lar­ly Brian’s expla­na­tions regard­ing how to take 3D pics with a sin­gle-lensed cam­era.

    Insta­gram-pro­file: shaolin_monkey

  • Short Stop in Barcelona

    I always want­ed to vis­it Barcelona. So, dur­ing my vis­it at Foti­cos Col­lec­tion I took the chance to spend half a day in Barcelona on my way from Ger­many to Zaragoza and back. Because I only had a few hours I had to choose instead of just walk­ing around. I basi­cal­ly vis­it­ed the famous Sagra­da Família cathe­dral and La Ram­bla. All of these pho­tos were tak­en with two synced iPhones 11 Pro.

    Near La Rambla
    Mer­cat de la Boqueria
    Plaça de Catalunya
    Sagra­da Família
    Sagra­da Família
    Near Mer­cat de la Boqueria

    © 2022 Pas­cal Martiné

    Pascal Martiné (Mainz, Germany)

    Pas­sion­ate about stere­oscopy as a col­lec­tor and pho­tog­ra­ph­er since 2016. Admin of the stere­osite. More on About me.

  • A trip through Spain in 3D

    These are some 3D pho­tos that I’ve made this sum­mer dur­ing my jour­ney through dif­fer­ent parts of Spain. Spain is a very diverse coun­try, full of spec­tac­u­lar cities, mon­u­ments and nat­ur­al wonders.

    © 2022 Sonia Vílchez Molina

    Sonia Vílchez Molina (Seville, Spain)

    I’m born in 2004 and in my first year at uni­ver­si­ty study­ing Physics, and I would like to become an astro­physi­cist in the future. I love read­ing, lis­ten­ing to music, play­ing the gui­tar and the piano and, of course, tak­ing 3D pho­tos. I start­ed mak­ing stere­os in 2021, and now it has become one of my biggest hob­bies.

    Insta­gram-pro­file: soniavm2004

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