Month: August 2021

My Magic Cards

My Magic Cards

What kind of enter­tain­ment would you have as a Sovi­et kid grow­ing up in the 1980s? A cou­ple of dolls, clothes; metal­lic con­struc­tor sets, the vinyl record­ings of children’s sto­ries; some cas­settes with pop­u­lar Russ­ian songs, and a bunch of film­strips. These things were in almost everyone’s pos­ses­sion – at least, that’s how I remem­ber my friend’s toys. How­ev­er, I had some­thing very spe­cial – a set of stereo cards, along with a sim­ple stere­o­scope that looked like binoculars. 

Stereo photography to go — from start to finish in 3 minutes

Stereo photography to go — from start to finish in 3 minutes

This tuto­r­i­al is based on my per­son­al work­flow for cre­at­ing side-by-side stere­os and includes sev­er­al apps for tak­ing, align­ing, com­bin­ing, and post-pro­cess­ing stereopho­tos. From shot to post, all files stay entire­ly on the smart­phone. Depend­ing on the occa­sion I slight­ly mod­i­fy my work­flow by adding, replac­ing, or skip­ping par­tic­u­lar steps. But on aver­age the process real­ly comes down to 3 min­utes to get a fin­ished side-by-side stereophoto.

Vancouver Island Secrets

Vancouver Island Secrets

This gallery is a small rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the dif­fer­ent land­scapes on Van­cou­ver Island (Cana­da). You prob­a­bly won’t rec­og­nize any of these loca­tions unless you’re an islander like me, but I’m proud to live in a place with such var­ied nat­ur­al beau­ty! Come vis­it some time!

VSC Anniversary, August 2021

VSC Anniversary, August 2021

Hey, 3D friends! Please join us for our first anniver­sary this com­ing Sun­day, August 8th. We’ll share a fun, short 6‑scene 3D dra­ma cre­at­ed by Thomas Asch and inspired by “A Rake’s Progress” by William Hog­a­rth. Then we’ll open it up to all of you, our com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, to share a trea­sured 3D item or pho­to you’re excit­ed about dur­ing our pop­u­lar Show & Tell seg­ment. Can’t wait to see your faces and your cool stuff this com­ing Sun­day at 2:00 pm EDT / 19:00 GMT / 8:00 pm CET. Our meet­ings are always free — just reg­is­ter if you haven’t already.