May 2nd meeting recordings posted
Check out our past presentations page!
Check out the fabulously crystal-clear version of Diego’s informative stereo photography presentation of our last meeting! There were bandwidth issues during his presentation but now you can see all his 3D imagery clearly. And if you missed Dominik’s pinhole stereo camera production tutorial or Pascal’s Taxiphote talk, please check out those, too — great stuff! Thank you Dominik, Pascal, and Diego for sharing!
You know what else is great? We had several new faces at our last meeting — welcome newcomers! We also announced our switch from Google Meet to Zoom. Now, here’s a sneak peek of what’s next: June 6th is fully booked with an awesome iPhone stereo photographer, a super-creative stereo photography tutorial, and an inside look at a collector’s retro passion for View-Master images! Names and details to come — stay tuned and save the date.
Meanwhile, to see the recordings, click here. Diego’s is under “Photography”, Dominik’s is under “Tutorials”, and Pascal’s is under “History”.