May 2nd meeting recordings posted

Check out our past presentations page!

Check out the fab­u­lous­ly crys­tal-clear ver­sion of Diego’s infor­ma­tive stereo pho­tog­ra­phy pre­sen­ta­tion of our last meet­ing! There were band­width issues dur­ing his pre­sen­ta­tion but now you can see all his 3D imagery clear­ly. And if you missed Dominik’s pin­hole stereo cam­era pro­duc­tion tuto­r­i­al or Pas­cal’s Tax­iphote talk, please check out those, too — great stuff! Thank you Dominik, Pas­cal, and Diego for sharing!

You know what else is great? We had sev­er­al new faces at our last meet­ing — wel­come new­com­ers! We also announced our switch from Google Meet to Zoom. Now, here’s a sneak peek of what’s next: June 6th is ful­ly booked with an awe­some iPhone stereo pho­tog­ra­ph­er, a super-cre­ative stereo pho­tog­ra­phy tuto­r­i­al, and an inside look at a col­lec­tor’s retro pas­sion for View-Mas­ter images! Names and details to come — stay tuned and save the date.

Mean­while, to see the record­ings, click here. Diego’s is under “Pho­tog­ra­phy”, Dominik’s is under “Tuto­ri­als”, and Pas­cal’s is under “His­to­ry”.