Month: July 2021

Bright loose images for the Monumental Art series

Bright loose images for the Monumental Art series

I am record­ing and doc­u­ment­ing in 3D wher­ev­er I go, such as Gal­leries and Muse­ums, and espe­cial­ly, when a Mon­u­men­tal Instal­la­tion by an Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist, or artists takes place.

How to Make Flush Mount Stereo Cards

How to Make Flush Mount Stereo Cards

Here is a step-by-step guide to mak­ing flush mount stereo cards. Flush mount means cards in which the art­work extends all the way to the edge of the card itself, as shown in the photos.

Bugging Out!

Bugging Out!

I have always been fas­ci­nat­ed by ani­mals and since I’m able to take macro pho­tos, insects have become my favorite stereo subjects.

Space handpainting

Space handpainting

The fol­low­ing six images show some of my ‘space hand­paint­ings’ that were cre­at­ed using the 3D paint­ing app Blender. I used to export them as a video and let the vis­i­tor ‘fly’ through my lit­tle paint­ed worlds. More recent­ly I’ve tried export­ing them as stereo­scop­ic pairs to enable vis­i­tors to watch them in real 3D. These are the first results.

VSC Meeting, July 2021

VSC Meeting, July 2021

Hey, 3D friends! Don’t for­get that our July 4th meet­ing has been moved to July 11th to accom­mo­date the 4th of July hol­i­day in the Unit­ed States. We have excit­ing pre­sen­ta­tions planned — from astral stereopho­tog­ra­phy to 3D mon­u­men­tal art to mak­ing your own stereo cards! See you on Sun­day, July 11th 2021 at 2:00 pm EDT / 18:00 GMT / 8:00 pm CEST