Virtual Stereoscopic Community

VSC Announcements

Next meet­ing
Novem­ber 3th 2024, 2pm EST (!!!) / 8pm CET 

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Yet another stereo club?

Wel­come to our unique com­mu­ni­ty for stereo enthu­si­asts around the world. If you want to con­nect with oth­ers and share your pas­sion for 3D online, this is the place to be. No mat­ter if you’re a novice or a vet­er­an, every­one is wel­come and will have their per­spec­tive on stere­og­ra­phy heard and val­ued. Open encoun­ters instead of tra­di­tion­al struc­tures, glob­al con­nec­tions instead of local lim­i­ta­tions – this is and has been our mis­sion right from the begin­ning when our com­mu­ni­ty was found­ed in 2020.

Our month­ly Sun­day online meet­ings include

  • Talks about a broad vari­ety of 3D relat­ed top­ics like his­to­ry, col­lect­ing or new trends
  • Pho­tog­ra­ph­er spot­lights fea­tur­ing stereo pho­tog­ra­phers and their beau­ti­ful pho­tos or spe­cial skills
  • Tuto­ri­als about cer­tain aspects of stereo pho­tog­ra­phy but also about unusu­al stuff like restor­ing stereo­scop­ic antiques 
  • Com­mu­ni­ty activ­i­ties like slide shows or show&tells where every­one can quick­ly show a new stereo pho­to, col­lec­tor’s item or any­thing else

Don’t wor­ry if you should miss a meet­ing or want to try some tipps from a tuto­r­i­al lat­er. Every sin­gle talk is made per­ma­nent­ly avail­able through our archive.

Inter­est­ed in our com­mu­ni­ty? Join­ing is easy. There is no mem­ber­ship fee. You only need to reg­is­ter for free to attend our meet­ings, receive announce­ments and the stere­osite newslet­ter. Fol­low the links below for more details.

How to participate?

Do you want to know how to join us or do you have some­thing you want to present in one of our meet­ings? Then click the link above!

VSC Announcements

Find out about the meet­ing dates and the con­tents of each meet­ing. All announce­ments will appear in the blog as well.

VSC team

Read more about who orga­nizes the VSC, plans new pre­sen­ta­tions, runs the meet­ings and how it all started. 

Past presentations

If you missed a talk, need to re-watch a tuto­r­i­al, or just want to see what are pre­sen­ta­tions are like, vis­it our archive.