
VSC Meeting, August 2022

VSC Meeting, August 2022

Join our anniver­sary meet­ing on August 21! For this spe­cial meet­ing we are hap­py to announce that our for­mer team mem­ber Kei­ta Wan­gari will present new items of her col­lec­tion includ­ing Stere-o-card, Stereo-Foto and NPG — view­er sys­tems that were used almost exclu­sive­ly for prod­uct & indus­try mar­ket­ing in the ear­ly- to mid-1900s. 
Our sec­ond pre­sen­ter will be Sonia Vílchez Moli­na. She takes us on a vir­tu­al trip to Spain and will show some of the most rep­re­sen­ta­tive mon­u­ments, towns and nat­ur­al won­ders her coun­try in 3D.
Join us on Sun­day, August 21 at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CEST

VSC Meeting, July 2022

VSC Meeting, July 2022

After a short sum­mer break we are back! Join our next meet­ing on July 17 when we will have a talk by Bar­ry Roth­stein how to cre­ate Phan­tograms and our com­mu­ni­ty slideshow with your images for the WATER chal­lenge. Join us on Sun­day, July 7 at 2:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm GMT / 8:00 pm CEST!

My Stereoview Box Set Collection and 3D Photography

My Stereoview Box Set Collection and 3D Photography

My stereopho­tog­ra­phy and stere­oview col­lec­tion are two sides of the same coin for me and have a com­mon ori­gin sto­ry. Trav­el back with me to May 2014 — Lon­don. A chance encounter on a canal boat. A ques­tion asked. An answer giv­en. My life… transformed.

A Brief History and Summary of Stereoscopy in Medicine

A Brief History and Summary of Stereoscopy in Medicine

Though its pop­u­lar­i­ty increased and decreased through­out the decades, the con­cept of stere­oscopy was con­tin­u­ous­ly applied to a vari­ety of prac­tices includ­ing med­i­cine — even today.

The birth of Stereoscopy: Wheatstone on Binocular Vision 1838, original source

The birth of Stereoscopy: Wheatstone on Binocular Vision 1838, original source

Back in 1838 the con­cept of binoc­u­lar vision had not yet been explored or writ­ten about any­where. It was a sci­en­tist in his mid 30s who not only described the phe­nom­e­non lat­er called stere­op­sis but also con­struct­ed a device to view two flat images in 3D which he called a stere­o­scope. This is espe­cial­ly remark­able as pho­tog­ra­phy was not invent­ed until one year lat­er. Charles Wheat­stone’s obser­va­tions were based only on draw­ings. Most of these draw­ings are based on hor­i­zon­tal mir­ror­ing which is why we call them mir­ror stere­os today. Read Wheat­stone’s orig­i­nal source here.

Stone and Water — A 3D Journey through Bruges

Stone and Water — A 3D Journey through Bruges

The canals of Bruges have con­nect­ed the city to the sea for cen­turies. Inter­na­tion­al mer­chants guar­an­teed wealth and pros­per­i­ty. Bruges soon became one of the largest Hanse cities. Until today, the medieval build­ings and struc­tures of the 15th cen­tu­ry remained main­ly intact. UNESCO des­ig­nat­ed the entire city cen­tre as a World Her­itage site in 2000.

VSC Meeting, May 2022

VSC Meeting, May 2022

Are you up for a chal­lenge? We have one for you! The theme of our next com­mu­ni­ty slideshow in May will be ‘LIGHT’ and you’re invit­ed to send us your stereo pho­tos. It can be an image includ­ing sun rays, sun­sets, light art or just a cool light bulb.Besides the slideshow there will be a pre­sen­ta­tion about stereo con­ver­sions of paint­ings. Join us on May 8!

Shake it up with 3D Wiggles

Shake it up with 3D Wiggles

3D wig­gle­grams, or wig­gles for short, are 2 or more stereo images stitched togeth­er to cre­ate a sense of depth in the form of a video or GIF. The wig­gles that I am show­ing are made from the 35mm shots on my RETO3D camera.

VSC Meeting, April 2022

VSC Meeting, April 2022

Join our April meet­ing! Again, we will have two inspir­ing talks for you. You can dis­cov­er world maps with a third dimen­sion and the 3D artist with­in you! We also con­tin­ue our new “In-Depth-Social­iz­ing” series to intro­duce some of our mem­bers. See you there! Join us on Sun­day, April 10th 2022, at 2pm EDT / 8pm CEST

Miraculous Madeira

Miraculous Madeira

On my trip to Madeira, I took many stereo snap­shots. The beau­ti­ful moun­tain­ous land­scapes we walked through were well-suit­ed for stere­og­ra­phy. The snap­shots pre­sent­ed here were tak­en with my two GoPro Hero8 Blacks and the GoPro Smart Remote. Using this set­up, I could syn­chro­nize the cam­eras and adjust the stereo base.

Florence: a Stereoscopic Walk through History

Florence: a Stereoscopic Walk through History

Flo­rence is every stereo-photographer’s dream: his­tor­i­cal palaces, stat­ues, foun­tains. Tak­ing a stroll down its old streets is like walk­ing into a par­al­lel world. Art and his­to­ry come alive right before your eyes.

VSC Meeting, March 2022

VSC Meeting, March 2022

In our next meet­ing we are going to have pre­sen­ta­tions about the Look­ing Glass Por­trait, a new dis­play which allows us to eas­i­ly cre­ate dig­i­tal lentic­u­lar images as well as some insights on the mag­ic of Wig­gle GIFs. And we have some­thing new: In-Depth Social­iz­ing. Join us to dis­cov­er new 3D trends and our com­mu­ni­ty on Sun­day, March 6 2022 at 2:00 pm EST / 7:00 pm GMT / 8:00 pm CET