
VSC Meeting, January 2023

VSC Meeting, January 2023

Hap­py New Year! For the first meet­ing of 2023 we will have one pre­sen­ta­tion and plen­ty of time for our community.
Katya will show us some extra­or­di­nary slides pro­duced in the Sovi­et Bloc dur­ing the 1970s. We will also have a Show & Tell sec­tion in which every­one is invit­ed to share a trea­sured 3D item or pho­to they’re excit­ed about.
So don’t for­get to bring some­thing with you — noth­ing is too ordi­nary to share it with us!
For the last part of our meet­ing we will take some time to intro­duce some­one from our community.
We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing you on Sun­day, Jan­u­ary 8th 2023, 2pm EST / 8pm CET!

VSC Meeting, December 2022

VSC Meeting, December 2022

Join our Christ­mas meet­ing on Decem­ber 11! We will cel­e­brate mod­ern stere­oscopy togeth­er in sev­er­al ways. First, we will have Klara Wang pre­sent­ing about 2D to 3D con­ver­sions. She will show us some exam­ples of this pop­u­lar trend and demon­strate her stan­dard work­flow. Then we will look once again at your amaz­ing stereo pho­tos that you have sub­mit­ted for our fourth stereo chal­lenge. Final­ly, it’s raf­fle time… more details below! We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing you on Sun­day, Decem­ber 11th at 2:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CET. Don’t for­get some gin­ger­bread and your San­ta hat!

Smartphone Syncing — The Best of Two Worlds

Smartphone Syncing — The Best of Two Worlds

Crowd­ed places, ani­mals, wind or water — move­ment in gen­er­al is a No-Go if you’re tak­ing stereo pho­tos with your smart­phone. These are only some rea­sons why I start­ed work­ing on a solu­tion for sync­ing two smart­phones. After almost a year, I have a ful­ly func­tion­al set­up with two iPhones.

VSC Meeting, November 2022

VSC Meeting, November 2022

In our next meet­ing, Cindy will show us her amaz­ing Stereo Nightscapes and Pas­cal will tell us about his research on simul­ta­ne­ous stereo pho­tog­ra­phy with smartphones.
We will also have a Show & Tell sec­tion in which every­one is invit­ed to share a trea­sured 3D item or pho­to they’re excit­ed about with the community.
Join us on Sun­day, Novem­ber 6th at 2:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CET

Short Stop in Barcelona

Short Stop in Barcelona

I always want­ed to vis­it Barcelona. So, dur­ing my vis­it at Foti­cos Col­lec­tion I took the chance to spend half a day in Barcelona on my way from Ger­many to Zaragoza and back. Because I only had a few hours I had to choose instead of just walk­ing around. I basi­cal­ly vis­it­ed the famous Sagra­da Família cathe­dral and La Ram­bla. All of these pho­tos were tak­en with two synced iPhones 11 Pro.

VSC Meeting, October 2022

VSC Meeting, October 2022

Our next meet­ing is full of beau­ti­ful stereo pho­tos of our mem­bers. We’ll start with a vir­tu­al trip to Malaysia with our tour guide Choon Ean as our first pre­sen­ter. After that, we will reveal your sub­mis­sions to our Macro Chal­lenge in our third com­mu­ni­ty slide show. Once again, we are amazed by your sub­mis­sions. Final­ly, we will once again take time to get to know each oth­er bet­ter. Join us on Sun­day, Octo­ber 2 at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CEST

A trip through Spain in 3D

A trip through Spain in 3D

These are some 3D pho­tos that I’ve made this sum­mer dur­ing my jour­ney through dif­fer­ent parts of Spain. Spain is a very diverse coun­try, full of spec­tac­u­lar cities, mon­u­ments and nat­ur­al wonders.

VSC Meeting, August 2022

VSC Meeting, August 2022

Join our anniver­sary meet­ing on August 21! For this spe­cial meet­ing we are hap­py to announce that our for­mer team mem­ber Kei­ta Wan­gari will present new items of her col­lec­tion includ­ing Stere-o-card, Stereo-Foto and NPG — view­er sys­tems that were used almost exclu­sive­ly for prod­uct & indus­try mar­ket­ing in the ear­ly- to mid-1900s. 
Our sec­ond pre­sen­ter will be Sonia Vílchez Moli­na. She takes us on a vir­tu­al trip to Spain and will show some of the most rep­re­sen­ta­tive mon­u­ments, towns and nat­ur­al won­ders her coun­try in 3D.
Join us on Sun­day, August 21 at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CEST

VSC Meeting, July 2022

VSC Meeting, July 2022

After a short sum­mer break we are back! Join our next meet­ing on July 17 when we will have a talk by Bar­ry Roth­stein how to cre­ate Phan­tograms and our com­mu­ni­ty slideshow with your images for the WATER chal­lenge. Join us on Sun­day, July 7 at 2:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm GMT / 8:00 pm CEST!

My Stereoview Box Set Collection and 3D Photography

My Stereoview Box Set Collection and 3D Photography

My stereopho­tog­ra­phy and stere­oview col­lec­tion are two sides of the same coin for me and have a com­mon ori­gin sto­ry. Trav­el back with me to May 2014 — Lon­don. A chance encounter on a canal boat. A ques­tion asked. An answer giv­en. My life… transformed.

A Brief History and Summary of Stereoscopy in Medicine

A Brief History and Summary of Stereoscopy in Medicine

Though its pop­u­lar­i­ty increased and decreased through­out the decades, the con­cept of stere­oscopy was con­tin­u­ous­ly applied to a vari­ety of prac­tices includ­ing med­i­cine — even today.

The birth of Stereoscopy: Wheatstone on Binocular Vision 1838, original source

The birth of Stereoscopy: Wheatstone on Binocular Vision 1838, original source

Back in 1838 the con­cept of binoc­u­lar vision had not yet been explored or writ­ten about any­where. It was a sci­en­tist in his mid 30s who not only described the phe­nom­e­non lat­er called stere­op­sis but also con­struct­ed a device to view two flat images in 3D which he called a stere­o­scope. This is espe­cial­ly remark­able as pho­tog­ra­phy was not invent­ed until one year lat­er. Charles Wheat­stone’s obser­va­tions were based only on draw­ings. Most of these draw­ings are based on hor­i­zon­tal mir­ror­ing which is why we call them mir­ror stere­os today. Read Wheat­stone’s orig­i­nal source here.