Short Stop in Barcelona

I always want­ed to vis­it Barcelona. So, dur­ing my vis­it at Foti­cos Col­lec­tion I took the chance to spend half a day in Barcelona on my way from Ger­many to Zaragoza and back. Because I only had a few hours I had to choose instead of just walk­ing around. I basi­cal­ly vis­it­ed the famous Sagra­da Família cathe­dral and La Ram­bla. All of these pho­tos were tak­en with two synced iPhones 11 Pro.

Near La Rambla
Mer­cat de la Boqueria
Plaça de Catalunya
Sagra­da Família
Sagra­da Família
Near Mer­cat de la Boqueria

© 2022 Pas­cal Martiné

Pascal Martiné (Mainz, Germany)

Pas­sion­ate about stere­oscopy as a col­lec­tor and pho­tog­ra­ph­er since 2016. Admin of the stere­osite. More on About me.