Shake it up with 3D Wiggles

FLASH WARNING — The con­tent below con­tains flash­ing images.

3D wig­gle­grams, or wig­gles for short, are 2 or more stereo images stitched togeth­er to cre­ate a sense of depth in the form of a video or GIF. The wig­gles that I am show­ing are made from the 35mm shots on my RETO3D camera.

I like that wig­gles are as if some­one pushed pause around a moment or scene and it glitched. I’m specif­i­cal­ly drawn to the retro vibe and dreamy atmos­phere of film wig­gles. As a 3D expe­ri­ence, wig­gles can be more inclu­sive. The view­er doesn’t need to free­view or use stereo­scop­ic glass­es, so it can offer a sense of depth to peo­ple with vision impair­ments. Addi­tion­al­ly, if you are post­ing on Insta­gram, they loop easily. 

These days I am edit­ing my pho­tos in Light­room and then I import the images into Pro­cre­ate. I am able to play the wig­gle on a loop under the ani­ma­tion assist set­tings. Once my pho­tos are lined up on a spe­cif­ic focal point, I can export it as a wig­gle or add ani­ma­tion to it. Check out the VSC meet­ing video to see a lit­tle more in depth about this process. Late­ly I’ve been draw­ing ani­mat­ed crys­tals for a series of wig­gles. Some of them are fea­tured below.

© 2022 Jas­simine Dixon

Jassimine Dixon (Portland, Oregon, USA)

Jas­simine Dixon is a graph­ic design­er run­ning her own sta­tionery busi­ness in Port­land. She was intro­duced to 3D via stere­ograms. View­ing those zany pat­terns with hid­den images prepped her to free­view stereo­scop­ic pho­tos. Now she takes her own stereo pho­tos and also cre­ates her own stere­ogram greet­ing cards.

Insta­gram-pro­file: eye.see.magic