Lakeside stereo photos from Norway and Sweden
taken in april 2020 near Mainz, Germany
taken in april 2020 near Mainz, Germany
If you are already taking stereo pictures, well done! However, if you desire to broaden your horizons by capturing more challenging images, for example freezing motion, or creating dramatic landscapes, then a twin camera set up may be the answer.
Look at the incredible variety of stairways and their dynamic expression increased through stereoscopy.
Macro photography provides a window into what the naked eyes cannot see.
This article describes a simplified approach to macro stereos, which should serve as a starting point for further experimentation with this medium.
Removing the background of floral photography will showcase the intricate beauty of even the simplest of flowers. Here you can read how to do it.
taken during the visit of the zoo in Zürich, Switzerland, october 2019