Scottish stereo sunrises

The Scot­tish wilder­ness can be a mag­i­cal place to be, espe­cial­ly dur­ing sun­rise in sum­mer. Out in nature so ear­ly in the day, alone or not, it is easy to be cap­ti­vat­ed by the beau­ty. Pho­tographs don’t always man­age to do jus­tice to those mag­i­cal moments, but with these stere­os it is almost pos­si­ble to feel like you’re stand­ing out there in fresh air, hear­ing a bird call­ing in the dis­tance, as you wit­ness the sun paint­ing the sky in bright colours.

© 2020 Jan­i­na Assmus

Janina Assmus (Oberallgäu, Germany)

Since 2017, stere­oscopy has been part of my life as a unique way to cap­ture mem­o­ries of all kinds. My pre­ferred sub­jects are my dogs, and close-ups of nature, though I’ve also exper­i­ment­ed with cityscapes since mov­ing to Vien­na part-time in 2019.
All my stere­os are sequen­tials, tak­en either with my phone, with my Sony A7 or with my Pana­son­ic DMC TZ 100. I sup­pose part of my style is the attempt to cap­ture scenes that are appeal­ing in mono as well as in stereo, teach­ing me to view the world from all kinds of unusu­al per­spec­tives.

Insta­gram-pro­file: ja_li_nina