Welcome to the Steampunk Menagerie

Welcome to the Steampunk Menagerie

Steam­punk is a genre and aes­thet­ic inspired by Vic­to­ri­an-era indus­tri­al­ism that is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly retro and futur­is­tic. It imag­ines a world of advanced tech­nol­o­gy some­how pow­ered by steam and mechan­i­cal devices rather than elec­tric and gas engines and mod­ern micro­elec­tron­ics. Steam­punk mech­a­nisms are often com­plex and elab­o­rate – con­struct­ed of gears, cogs, heavy brass plates and fit­tings, all held togeth­er with lots of riv­ets, along with a lib­er­al use of black and red leather. 

Lisbon in 3D — with lively depth

Lisbon in 3D — with lively depth

Dur­ing my flight to Madeira I was very lucky to have a whole day stopover in Lis­bon, which was the per­fect test for my new Smart­phone-Rig. Expe­ri­ence this beau­ti­ful and incred­i­bly alive city in 3‑D.

Polaroid Stereographic Worlds

Polaroid Stereographic Worlds

I dis­cov­ered that I could cre­ate stere­o­graph­ic worlds using POLAROID SX-70 cam­eras in the 1984. Some were stan­dard 3D images (like the STREET LIFE Series), but by stag­ing unusu­al objects and mate­ri­als found in the aging indus­tri­al area of low­er Man­hat­tan, var­i­ous tableaus were cre­at­ed and slow­ly evolved in my stu­dio. With the Polaroid SX-70 cam­eras, I record­ed the var­i­ous devel­op­ments steroeop­ti­cal­ly, cre­at­ing over 50 tableau’s in a 3 year period.

Phantograms from Macrophant 3D

Phantograms from Macrophant 3D

These images are from my most recent book “Macro­phant 3D”, pub­lished at the end of 2020 in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Jim McManus. It is a col­lec­tion of 60 macro phan­tograms.  In the book they’re shown in anaglyph, par­al­lel view and cross-eyed view.

Landscapes of Scotland and Wales

Landscapes of Scotland and Wales

I have been try­ing to cap­ture the beau­ty of Scot­land (my home coun­try) and Wales (where I live now) in 3D.  These land­scapes proved a great way to learn how to make the most of the depth from sin­gle-lens cha-chas and with the lim­it­ed base­line of the Fuji Finepix 3D W3. Of course, much cred­it must also go to my dog Punky, who pro­vid­ed a great focal point for many of my W3 landscapes.

Short Stop in Barcelona

Short Stop in Barcelona

I always want­ed to vis­it Barcelona. So, dur­ing my vis­it at Foti­cos Col­lec­tion I took the chance to spend half a day in Barcelona on my way from Ger­many to Zaragoza and back. Because I only had a few hours I had to choose instead of just walk­ing around. I basi­cal­ly vis­it­ed the famous Sagra­da Família cathe­dral and La Ram­bla. All of these pho­tos were tak­en with two synced iPhones 11 Pro.

A trip through Spain in 3D

A trip through Spain in 3D

These are some 3D pho­tos that I’ve made this sum­mer dur­ing my jour­ney through dif­fer­ent parts of Spain. Spain is a very diverse coun­try, full of spec­tac­u­lar cities, mon­u­ments and nat­ur­al wonders.

Stone and Water — A 3D Journey through Bruges

Stone and Water — A 3D Journey through Bruges

The canals of Bruges have con­nect­ed the city to the sea for cen­turies. Inter­na­tion­al mer­chants guar­an­teed wealth and pros­per­i­ty. Bruges soon became one of the largest Hanse cities. Until today, the medieval build­ings and struc­tures of the 15th cen­tu­ry remained main­ly intact. UNESCO des­ig­nat­ed the entire city cen­tre as a World Her­itage site in 2000.

Shake it up with 3D Wiggles

Shake it up with 3D Wiggles

3D wig­gle­grams, or wig­gles for short, are 2 or more stereo images stitched togeth­er to cre­ate a sense of depth in the form of a video or GIF. The wig­gles that I am show­ing are made from the 35mm shots on my RETO3D camera.

Miraculous Madeira

Miraculous Madeira

On my trip to Madeira, I took many stereo snap­shots. The beau­ti­ful moun­tain­ous land­scapes we walked through were well-suit­ed for stere­og­ra­phy. The snap­shots pre­sent­ed here were tak­en with my two GoPro Hero8 Blacks and the GoPro Smart Remote. Using this set­up, I could syn­chro­nize the cam­eras and adjust the stereo base.

Florence: a Stereoscopic Walk through History

Florence: a Stereoscopic Walk through History

Flo­rence is every stereo-photographer’s dream: his­tor­i­cal palaces, stat­ues, foun­tains. Tak­ing a stroll down its old streets is like walk­ing into a par­al­lel world. Art and his­to­ry come alive right before your eyes.

Stereoscopic Trip to Asunción

Stereoscopic Trip to Asunción

This gallery show­cas­es some stere­os I took in the cap­i­tal city of Paraguay: Asun­ción. Stere­oscopy offers a whole new per­spec­tive to look at our sur­round­ings, in depth and in detail. These were tak­en with a smart­phone using the burst mode fea­ture to take sequen­tial Left and Right images. I hope you enjoy this lit­tle tour pf my hometown!