Polaroid Stereographic Worlds
I discovered that I could create stereographic worlds using POLAROID SX-70 cameras in the 1984. Some were standard 3D images (like the STREET LIFE Series), but by staging unusual objects and materials found in the aging industrial area of lower Manhattan, various tableaus were created and slowly evolved in my studio. With the Polaroid SX-70 cameras, I recorded the various developments steroeoptically, creating over 50 tableau’s in a 3 year period. Although 3D video is the current focus of my creative work, these stand-alone 3D polaroid creations from 3 decades ago set the tone for what was to come. Here are six samples from that original body of 3D polaroid work.
D. Carlton Bright (New York City, USA)
I’m a video artist who has been making inroads into the expressive possibilities of stereographic, or 3D artwork since the moving to NYC in the early 1980s. Originally a sculptor, I found my two main fields of interest naturally dovetailed together in the creation, or composing of 3D video artwork. A major innovation has been utilizing musical nomenclature in the composing process of 3D videos. My work has been featured in the International 3‑D Convention, and the Ventana Gallery and the Holography center in NYC.
Instagram-profile: carltonbright
Website: carltonbright.com