Polaroid Stereographic Worlds

I dis­cov­ered that I could cre­ate stere­o­graph­ic worlds using POLAROID SX-70 cam­eras in the 1984. Some were stan­dard 3D images (like the STREET LIFE Series), but by stag­ing unusu­al objects and mate­ri­als found in the aging indus­tri­al area of low­er Man­hat­tan, var­i­ous tableaus were cre­at­ed and slow­ly evolved in my stu­dio. With the Polaroid SX-70 cam­eras, I record­ed the var­i­ous devel­op­ments steroeop­ti­cal­ly, cre­at­ing over 50 tableau’s in a 3 year peri­od. Although 3D video is the cur­rent focus of my cre­ative work, these stand-alone 3D polaroid cre­ations from 3 decades ago set the tone for what was to come. Here are six sam­ples from that orig­i­nal body of 3D polaroid work.

“Wheels” from the Series: STREET LIFE.
“Cat­a­combs” from the Series: CHIAROSCUROS. (Mul­ti­ple exposures)
“Tri­umvi­rate” from the FANTASY Series. (A glass globe, fig­urine, col­or and translu­cent filters)
“Inter­nal Transept” from the FANTASY Series. (Card­board tubes, Bean Husks, slide pro­jec­tion, cot­ton, weld­ed cop­per wire)
“The Pearl” from the FANTASY Series. (Cof­fee grounds, a toi­let bowl, a clip-on light)
“The Third Can­to” from the FANTASY Series. (Hot glue gun han­dle, lima bean husks, clay, a 1930s record cov­er, kitchen vinyl flooring)

© 2023 D. Carl­ton Bright

D. Carlton Bright (New York City, USA)

I’m a video artist who has been mak­ing inroads into the expres­sive pos­si­bil­i­ties of stere­o­graph­ic, or 3D art­work since the mov­ing to NYC in the ear­ly 1980s. Orig­i­nal­ly a sculp­tor, I found my two main fields of inter­est nat­u­ral­ly dove­tailed togeth­er in the cre­ation, or com­pos­ing of 3D video art­work. A major inno­va­tion has been uti­liz­ing musi­cal nomen­cla­ture in the com­pos­ing process of 3D videos. My work has been fea­tured in the Inter­na­tion­al 3‑D Con­ven­tion, and the Ven­tana Gallery and the Holog­ra­phy cen­ter in NYC.

Insta­gram-pro­file: carl­ton­bright
Web­site: carltonbright.com