Miraculous Madeira

On my trip to Madeira, I took many stereo snap­shots. The beau­ti­ful moun­tain­ous land­scapes we walked through were well-suit­ed for stere­og­ra­phy. The snap­shots pre­sent­ed here were tak­en with my two GoPro Hero8 Blacks and the GoPro Smart Remote. Using this set­up, I could syn­chro­nize the cam­eras and adjust the stereo base. I brought a reg­u­lar mir­ror­less cam­era too, and although far supe­ri­or in image qual­i­ty, it can­not cap­ture the moment like this stereo set­up can.

Chal­lenges I encounter using two GoPros are laten­cy between the cam­eras, expo­sure and white bal­ance dif­fer­ences, and doing prop­er adjust­ment of the stereo base. Most shots turn out well straight out of the cam­eras though, and most of those that do not can be cor­rect­ed after­wards to an accept­able degree.

Hik­ing along the water chan­nel Lev­a­da do Caldeirão Verde.
At the koi fish lake of Monte Palace Madeira.
Pico do Arieiro shroud­ed in clouds.
Walk­ing towards the shel­ter house Casa de Abri­go do Pico Ruivo.
Dead, burnt trees on the way up to Pico Ruivo.
Hik­ing along the water chan­nel of Lev­a­da das 25 Fontes. A chal­leng­ing work of post processing.

© 2022 Björn Staf

Björn Staf (Skövde, Sweden)

Stere­oscopy is a hob­by that com­bines my inter­ests in art, tech­nol­o­gy and sci­ence. I first encoun­tered stere­oscopy as a child, read­ing a mag­a­zine with anaglyphs. More occa­sions fol­lowed from time to time, but I nev­er gave it much thought until 2018. A friend of mine made an inter­est­ing remark when we were walk­ing in the woods; he thought his nature pho­tographs were miss­ing some­thing, but he could not point to what exact­ly. I thought it was the lack of immer­sion that our depth per­cep­tion could give. Know­ing the basic prin­ci­ples of stere­oscopy, I made an exper­i­ment with my cam­era. Back home, I crude­ly assem­bled a few stere­ograms to dis­play on my 3D TV. They were far from per­fect, but it worked! Over the course of a year my inter­est grew and in late 2019 I bought myself two GoPro cam­eras which I mount­ed side-by-side. Since then I am hooked, still exper­i­ment­ing my way for­ward.

Insta­gram-pro­file: bjorn_staf