The Depth of High Mountains

The Depth of High Mountains

Hik­ing offers many oppor­tu­ni­ties for land­scape stereo-pho­tog­ra­phy. Due to the diverse scale of the objects, from small, beau­ti­ful flow­ers, to trees, to entire moun­tain regions it is pos­si­ble to take a large vari­ety of stereo-pho­tos. My favourite stere­os are the hyper­stere­os of mountains.

iPhone Closeups

iPhone Closeups

Any­one who wants to take close­up stereo pho­tos has to deal with the sev­er­al prob­lems. But apps like i3DMovieCam bring simul­ta­ne­ous stereo pho­tog­ra­phy to your iPhone. This opens up the world of small ani­mals, insects and mov­ing objects to every­day stereo photography.

Vancouver Island Secrets

Vancouver Island Secrets

This gallery is a small rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the dif­fer­ent land­scapes on Van­cou­ver Island (Cana­da). You prob­a­bly won’t rec­og­nize any of these loca­tions unless you’re an islander like me, but I’m proud to live in a place with such var­ied nat­ur­al beau­ty! Come vis­it some time!

Bugging Out!

Bugging Out!

I have always been fas­ci­nat­ed by ani­mals and since I’m able to take macro pho­tos, insects have become my favorite stereo subjects.

Space handpainting

Space handpainting

The fol­low­ing six images show some of my ‘space hand­paint­ings’ that were cre­at­ed using the 3D paint­ing app Blender. I used to export them as a video and let the vis­i­tor ‘fly’ through my lit­tle paint­ed worlds. More recent­ly I’ve tried export­ing them as stereo­scop­ic pairs to enable vis­i­tors to watch them in real 3D. These are the first results.

Historical Stereo Extractions

Historical Stereo Extractions

The scenes from his­toric doc­u­men­taries pre­sent­ed here were up until now only view­able in 2D, but thanks to the hor­i­zon­tal move­ment of the cam­era and/or the object with­in the video, I was able to ‘extract’ stereo pairs by com­bin­ing select­ed stills with­out the use of (arti­fi­cial) manip­u­la­tion. As a result, I was able to cre­ate 3D images from 2D video, in some cas­es almost a cen­tu­ry “after the fact”.

3D Slices & Shapes

3D Slices & Shapes

The stereo of the tree with mul­ti­col­ored foliage below was my orig­i­nal inspi­ra­tion for this series: it has so many patch­es of var­i­ous col­ors that when you mir­ror cer­tain slices, dif­fer­ent col­ors abut one anoth­er, and it winds up look­ing like a pas­tiche of many trees rather than just one.

Deep Clouds

Deep Clouds

The fol­low­ing col­lec­tion is a small sam­ple of my favorite cloud stereo pho­tos from the last few years while fly­ing over Europe and the South­west­ern por­tion of the Unit­ed States.

The Spirit of Nature

The Spirit of Nature

Car­leen’s pho­tog­ra­phy reflects her ongo­ing pas­sion for nature, and the solid­i­ty and reas­sur­ance nature brings. See six of her most calm­ing and peace­ful stereo pho­tos here.

A stereo tour through Bremen

A stereo tour through Bremen

Bre­men is one of the 5 most pop­u­lar cities in Ger­many, prob­a­bly also because of their mar­itime his­to­ry and flair. I would like to take you on a lit­tle stereo tour to vis­it some of my favourite places. 

Castles along the Rhine

Castles along the Rhine

Since the 18th cen­tu­ry, the cas­tles along the riv­er Rhine, Ger­many, have shaped the term Rhine roman­ti­cism that sums up cul­tur­al-his­tor­i­cal inter­pre­ta­tions in poet­ry and art. Here you find three famous exam­ples of the count­less places along the Rhine worth visiting. 

A Journey Into Deep Space

A Journey Into Deep Space

Ready for a jour­ney into deep space? Space and galax­ies have always fas­ci­nat­ed me, so when the book Cos­mic Clouds 3D by David Eich­er and Bri­an May was released in 2020, I got the idea of con­vert­ing my tra­di­tion­al space paint­ings into 3D by using a depthmap. But I realised that the result was far from sat­is­fy­ing. So I switched from can­vas to dig­i­tal art­work, which has the advan­tage of being eas­i­er to con­vert into a stereo­scop­ic draw­ing than a tra­di­tion­al one.