Florence: a Stereoscopic Walk through History

Flo­rence is every stereo-photographer’s dream: his­tor­i­cal palaces, stat­ues, foun­tains. Tak­ing a stroll down its old streets is like walk­ing into a par­al­lel world. Art and his­to­ry come alive right before your eyes. Most pho­tos in this gallery can be found in Piaz­za del­la Sig­no­ria or inside the Palaz­zo Vec­chio (the majes­tic build­ing famous for his high clock and bell tow­er). The stat­ues of Galileo Galilei and Pier Anto­nio Miche­li are sit­u­at­ed in a niche carved from the last inner ground pilaster in the Log­gia­to degli Uffizi famous for the world renowned muse­um it hosts. The Bap­tis­tery, Cathe­dral and Bell Tow­er are locat­ed in a near­by piazza. 

© Valenti­na Carta

Valentina Carta (Brescia, Italy)

My first encounter with stere­oscopy hap­pened in the sum­mer of 2000 when a fam­i­ly friend lent me a book filled with autostere­ograms and a hand­ful of stereo cards. I didn’t man­age to view any of them but on New Year’s Day in 2019, while on the NASA web­site, I stum­bled into the famous stereo pic­ture of Plu­to. I was hooked the moment I man­aged to view it in 3D! Fast for­ward 3 years and now I don’t miss any oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a stereo of some­thing, to the point that I like to plan trips with the explic­it goal of tak­ing stere­os of new inter­est­ing places. My favourite sub­jects are build­ings, stat­ues or emp­ty streets. The major­i­ty of my stereo­scop­ic pic­tures are sequen­tial stere­os tak­en with my iPhone 11 Pro — although I use a Fuji­film W3 when I’m deal­ing with mov­ing sub­jects like ani­mals or pic­tures where water is involved.

Insta­gram-pro­file: valth­elon­don­er