Month: April 2024

VSC Meeting, April 2024

VSC Meeting, April 2024

Join us for an excit­ing vir­tu­al gath­er­ing! We’re delight­ed to wel­come William Angel as he shares his exper­tise with the LeiaPix 2D to 3D con­ver­sion app. Dis­cov­er how he trans­forms ordi­nary pho­tographs into cap­ti­vat­ing stereo­scop­ic images through his engag­ing slideshow.
Step into the enchant­i­ng world of steam­punk with Vanes­sa Grein and David Kuntz as they show­case their cap­ti­vat­ing short film, “Steam­punk Menagerie”.
Behind the cur­tain, Pas­cal has been work­ing on a major exten­sion for and we can’t wait to vis­it his Stereo­scop­ic Museum.
Don’t for­get to bring along your lat­est 3D items and any burn­ing ques­tions you have for a lit­tle Show, Tell & Ask seg­ment at the end of our meet­ing. We can’t wait to con­nect with you all on Sun­day, April 7th 2024, 2pm EDT / 8pm CEST!