VSC Meeting, June 2021

Sunday, June 6th 2021 at 2:00 pm EDT / 18:00 GMT / 8:00 pm CEST

We have some fun and infor­ma­tive pre­sen­ta­tions in store for you! Come hang with your fel­low 3D enthu­si­asts for a lit­tle while and enjoy some won­der­ful iPhone stereo pho­tog­ra­phy, 3D slic­ing and View-Mas­ter nostalgia.

Stereo Photographer Spotlight

Stereos with an iPhone

James Hoppes

All of my pho­tos are tak­en and processed with an iPhone and var­i­ous apps. I’ve tried to take a wide range of pho­tos includ­ing land­scapes, close­ups, and abstract objects, how­ev­er I espe­cial­ly enjoy stereo pho­tos of clouds, and large struc­tures, such as bridges and pow­er pylons. I nor­mal­ly employ the side step or “cha cha” method, but with some strict guide­lines to get a bal­anced pho­to. For land­scape pho­tos, I use the burst fea­ture on the iPhone while mov­ing at high speeds. This method cre­ates a flat back­ground and a minia­ture look to the pho­to and elim­i­nates much of the unwant­ed move­ment between shots, hence few­er rivalries.

Stereo Photography Tutorial

3D Slices & Shapes

Gor­don Au

Learn how to sp(l)ice up your stere­os with some art­ful 3D shapes in this headache-free tuto­r­i­al! All you need is a stereopho­to and a graph­ics pro­gram with lay­ers, such as the free online Pho­to­pea. For exam­ple, with this stereo self-por­trait, I am attempt­ing to vis­cer­al­ly con­vey how my new read­ing glass­es (my first ever) make my head feel!

Stereoscopic History & Collecting

Collecting View-Master: Nostalgia, Semiotics & Weird Stuff

Rebec­ca Kilbreath

From the 1940s until the ear­ly 2000s, View-Mas­ter was the way in which most Amer­i­cans — and many peo­ple around the world — were intro­duced to 3D images. Col­lec­tor Rebec­ca Kil­breath will pro­vide a brief overview of View-Mas­ter, share 2D images pulled from her exten­sive col­lec­tion of reels, and dive into key areas of View-Mas­ter con­tent and col­lect­ing. It’ll be a mix of nos­tal­gia, semi­otics and weird stuff.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, go to vsc.stereosite.com to join.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.