Getting started

Maybe you’ve already shot your first ‘cha cha’ stereo pho­tos, com­bined them into stereo pairs for par­al­lel or cross view­ing, or made anaglyphs. Hope­ful­ly you are enjoy­ing this new medi­um. How­ev­er, explor­ing new tech­niques can some­times be over­whelm­ing. Per­haps you have seen a stereo pho­to or style that you real­ly like and would like to attempt, but are not sure how to achieve it in your own edits. Or you may want to fig­ure out why a par­tic­u­lar stereo-pho­to­graph isn’t very com­fort­able to view. Some­times you may just be look­ing for addi­tion­al resources to fur­ther expand your photography.

Beyond the basic con­cepts men­tioned on the par­ent page, there are sev­er­al aspects for spe­cif­ic pur­pos­es that may be tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion when tak­ing and edit­ing stereo pho­tos because they may be impor­tant depend­ing on the con­text. But some of these apply to lit­er­al­ly every sin­gle stereo pho­to you will ever take, for exam­ple the stereo win­dow, prop­er align­ment and the base­line.

We would love for peo­ple to enjoy stereo pho­tog­ra­phy and become a per­ma­nent part of the com­mu­ni­ty. We are here to offer sup­port for all enthu­si­asts, espe­cial­ly those who are new, by pro­vid­ing the fol­low­ing two resources.

Basic tutorials

The aim of this sec­tion is to share tuto­ri­als for the above men­tioned aspects that are eas­i­ly acces­si­ble right here, with­out hav­ing to nav­i­gate through the blog. Links to all the tuto­r­i­al posts will be list­ed here soon as they go live.

Support panel

We believe that no tuto­r­i­al can replace indi­vid­ual feed­back from peo­ple who have been tak­ing stereo pho­tos for a long time. We would like it make it con­ve­nient for you to dis­cuss your images and get all the answers you want about a spe­cif­ic image, with­out hav­ing to upload them on a pub­lic forum.

Just send your stereo pho­tos to This is where you can ask your spe­cif­ic ques­tions or receive gen­er­al feed­back. Please feel to ask our sup­port team for help with any­thing con­cern­ing tak­ing and edit­ing stereo pho­tos. We know from per­son­al expe­ri­ence that it is always help­ful to get a sec­ond opinion.

We do not aim to replace any exist­ing ways of help that are already pro­vid­ed through­out the com­mu­ni­ty, for exam­ple peer-to-peer inter­ac­tion through Insta­gram com­ments, and we know that there are oth­er blogs that offer direct help, too. This is just meant to be an addi­tion­al resource to receive feed­back. By inter­act­ing with the entire pan­el, you can receive mul­ti­ple tips and sug­ges­tions on how to trou­bleshoot, so you can choose which method works best for you. Get to know more about the peo­ple on the sup­port pan­el, here.