VSC Meeting, February 2022

Sunday, February 6th at 2:00 pm EST / 7:00 pm GMT / 8:00 pm CET

Come join our sec­ond meet­ing in 2022! We will cov­er a broad vari­ety of top­ics: vin­tage stere­oview box sets, mod­ern stereo pho­tos from Paraguay and first-hand infor­ma­tion about the world’s biggest stereo event. Isn’t it just awe­some how mul­ti-facetted stere­oscopy is?

Photographer spotlight

Stereoscopic trip to the Streets of Asunción

Flo­ry García

Through the mag­ic of Stere­oscopy, I’ll be show­ing you an in-depth glimpse into dif­fer­ent cor­ners of Asun­ción, the cap­i­tal city of Paraguay, locat­ed right in the heart of South Amer­i­ca. A hid­den trea­sure for the world to dis­cov­er, which I’ll be real­ly glad to reveal to you dur­ing this pre­sen­ta­tion with some of the stere­os I’ve tak­en through­out the last three years!


My Stereoview Box Set Collection and 3D Photography: The Chicken or the Egg question revisited

Andrew Lau­ren

I am pri­mar­i­ly known for the stereo pho­tog­ra­phy I do using a 2 cam­era rig. What is less known is that I also have an exten­sive vin­tage stere­oview col­lec­tion with an empha­sis for what are known as Box Sets. My pre­sen­ta­tion will dis­cuss how my stereo pho­tog­ra­phy and box set col­lec­tion are 2 sides of the same coin for me.

3D Trends / Community

Invitation to join the Worldwide Stereo Congress in Česky Krumlov

Her­mine Raab (ISU)

Come to expe­ri­ence an inspir­ing gath­er­ing of stere­oscopy enthu­si­asts and pro­fes­sion­als from all over the world! The con­gress takes place in one of the most roman­tic towns in Cen­tral Europe and offers a range of activ­i­ties, events and oppor­tu­ni­ties to share the knowl­edge and enjoy­ment of stereo­scop­ic imaging.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, go to vsc.stereosite.com to join. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.