VSC Meeting, March 2022

Sunday, March 6 2022 at 2:00 pm EST / 7:00 pm GMT / 8:00 pm CET

In our next meet­ing we are going to have pre­sen­ta­tions about the Look­ing Glass Por­trait, a new dis­play which allows us to eas­i­ly cre­ate dig­i­tal lentic­u­lar images as well as some insights on the mag­ic of Wig­gle GIFs. And we have some­thing new: In-Depth Social­iz­ing. Join us to dis­cov­er new 3D trends and our community!

As you might have noticed we made some changes on our web­site and intro­duced some new URLs. Even though we will tell you all about it dur­ing the meet­ing, please check the meet­ing info at the end of this newslet­ter. But don’t wor­ry, the old links still work.

3D Trends

Shake it up with 3D Wiggles

Jas­simine Dixon

Jas­simine Dixon, a fel­low 3D enthu­si­ast, stereo pho­tog­ra­ph­er, and stere­ogram cre­ator, is enchant­ed by the move­ment and atmos­phere of Wig­gle GIFs shot on 35mm film. Wig­gle GIFs are com­posed of 2 or more stereo­scop­ic pho­tos stitched togeth­er to make a short video or GIF. Late­ly, Jas­simine has been tin­ker­ing with ani­ma­tion in her mov­ing pho­tos. Her pre­sen­ta­tion will include some of her Wig­gle GIFs, a brief overview of her process, and a look at her new wig­gles with hand-drawn ani­mat­ed crystals.

3D Trends

Into the Looking Glass

Dave Comeau

A new, afford­able dis­play allows us to eas­i­ly cre­ate dig­i­tal lentic­u­lar images in our own homes. We’ll dis­cuss how to bring stereo­scop­ic con­tent into the Look­ing Glass Fac­to­ry’s Look­ing Glass Por­trait. We’ll quick­ly cov­er how to cre­ate images for the dis­play, and how to dis­play them using the company’s soft­ware and oth­er free tools. Beyond the Look­ing Glass, many of the tech­niques and con­cepts dis­cussed can be applied to the cre­ation of tra­di­tion­al lentic­u­lar images and stereo pairs.


In-Depth Socializing

fea­tur­ing you!

The advan­tage of a vir­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty is that we can gath­er online, no mat­ter where we’re from. But we don’t have the chance to social­ize in per­son. That’s why we decid­ed to start a new sec­tion called „In-Depth Social­iz­ing“ to get to know each oth­er a bit bet­ter.
Any­body who feels up to it is invit­ed to intro­duce them­selves: When and how did you encounter stere­oscopy? What are you most inter­est­ed in? Tak­ing pho­tos, col­lect­ing or dis­cov­er­ing new 3D trends? But also: What do you do besides stere­oscopy? Who is the per­son behind the stereo cam­era?
We’ll pre­pare a few easy ice break­ers to start with and are look­ing for­ward to your stories.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, go to meet.vsc3d.com to join. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. When you are about to check in, we would like to invite you to set your mark­er on our vir­tu­al meet­ing map. It’s avail­able on map.vsc3d.com.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.