Editorial support

Jane Sabini (Stamford, Connecticut, USA)

I am an ele­men­tary school library-media spe­cial­ist and tech­nol­o­gy instruc­tor in real life. I have been explor­ing stereo-pho­tog­ra­phy since 2015. If you fol­low the Insta­gram stere­oscopy com­mu­ni­ty, you are like­ly famil­iar with the flo­ral stere­os with back­grounds removed that have become my sig­na­ture style. I refer to this work as my ‘dra­ma edits’. You will find a gallery of my work in this style here on the Stereosite.

But, ini­tial­ly I became inter­est­ed in stere­oscopy through the LSC pub­li­ca­tion Dia­b­leries. Inspired by the res­ur­rect­ed work of sculp­tors Habert and Hen­neti­er I began pho­tograph­ing pos­able skele­tons at the end of my din­ing room table, which result­ed in my first whim­si­cal Dia­b­leries Noël series dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son of 2016. Pic­ture here is one of my mod­ern Dia­b­leries stereo pairs, which was fea­tured in Dr. Bri­an May’s book talk upon release of the sec­ond edi­tion of LSC’s Dia­b­leries.

I am thrilled to have been able to intro­duce young stu­dents to the mag­ic of stereo-pho­tog­ra­phy. They are always astound­ed to learn that the per­cep­tu­al con­cepts behind the vir­tu­al real­i­ty con­tent they enjoy so much were actu­al­ly pio­neered in the 1800s. The Dia­b­leries are most like­ly to appear dur­ing Octo­ber and Decem­ber. The flo­ral dra­ma edits abound always.

Insta­gram-pro­file: lunawest

© Jane Sabini

David Starkman (Culver City, California, USA)

I joined the Los Ange­les 3‑D Club in Sep­tem­ber 1977, and start­ed 3‑D with the View-Mas­ter Per­son­al Stereo Cam­era, then the Wol­len­sak Stereo 10, and for ten years or so I used a Busch Veras­cope F40. If you would like to know more vis­it the Sup­port pan­el page.

Insta­gram-pro­file: davidestark­man

© David Starkman