Bugging Out!

I have always been fas­ci­nat­ed by ani­mals and since I’m able to take macro pho­tos, insects have become my favorite stereo subjects.

© 2021 Con­ny Wetzig

Conny Wetzig (Leipzig, Germany)

I did not become inter­est­ed in pho­tog­ra­phy until I read ‘Queen in 3D’ by Dr. Bri­an Harold May in 2019. That’s when I began to take stere­os pho­tos on my own. With my smart­phone (Huawei P30 Pro), I start­ed to take macro stere­os of ani­mals (espe­cial­ly insects) and flow­ers. My equip­ment is my smart­phone, a self made cata­diop­tric rig and my Fuji­film Finepix Real 3D W1. I pri­mar­i­ly use my smart­phone to take stere­os, even though it takes a bit longer to take pho­tos of insects. I have a lot of fun tak­ing stereo pho­tos and I’m always look­ing for new oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Insta­gram-pro­file: stere­o­scope­ma­nia