A trip through Spain in 3D

These are some 3D pho­tos that I’ve made this sum­mer dur­ing my jour­ney through dif­fer­ent parts of Spain. Spain is a very diverse coun­try, full of spec­tac­u­lar cities, mon­u­ments and nat­ur­al wonders.

© 2022 Sonia Vílchez Molina

Sonia Vílchez Molina (Seville, Spain)

I’m born in 2004 and in my first year at uni­ver­si­ty study­ing Physics, and I would like to become an astro­physi­cist in the future. I love read­ing, lis­ten­ing to music, play­ing the gui­tar and the piano and, of course, tak­ing 3D pho­tos. I start­ed mak­ing stere­os in 2021, and now it has become one of my biggest hob­bies.

Insta­gram-pro­file: soniavm2004