VSC Meeting, September 2024

Sunday, SEPTEMBER 8TH at 2:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CEST

We are excit­ed to kick off our first meet­ing after the break on Sep­tem­ber 8th.

Roman Shmidt will be pre­sent­ing about his expe­ri­ence in the pro­duc­tion of stereo view­ers. This is a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a look behind the scenes in stere­o­scope development.

Addi­tion­al­ly we will host a show and tell or ask. Bring your new cam­eras, view­ers, col­lectibles, stereo pho­tos and any­thing you want to share with the group. This is a great way to recon­nect and get inspired by each other.

We look for­ward to see­ing you again and an excit­ing meeting!

3D Trends

Stereoscopes making experience. From cardboard to streetviewers.

Roman Shmidt

10 years ago I made my first stere­opair. And the ques­tion was: “how to show it to all my friends”? I made hand­made card­board stere­oview­er and it was a small first step. Now stere­o­scopes inven­tion and pro­duc­tion and the involve­ment of new peo­ple excites me no less than stere­oshoot­ing itself. So let’s talk about stere­o­scopes build­ing, devel­op­ing and his­tor­i­cal stereoviews.


Show & Tell / Ask

fea­tur­ing you!

Dur­ing our Show & Tell / Ask, every­one can show a per­son­al 3D item. This can be a trea­sure of your col­lec­tion, a stereo pho­to, or any­thing 3D relat­ed. We can’t wait to see you and your cool stuff! You don’t need to tell us in advance if or what you want to show, just come along! Addi­tion­al­ly you can ask ques­tions, or sim­ply dis­cuss any­thing relat­ed to our shared passion.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, click the red but­ton on vsc3d.com. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. If you should expe­ri­ence prob­lems access­ing the meet­ing page, just send us a short mes­sage to contact@vsc3d.com and we will send you the direct link for the cur­rent meeting.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.