VSC Meeting, October 2024

Sunday, October 6th at 2:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CEST

Join us on Sun­day — Octo­ber the 6th — for the sec­ond meet­ing after this years sum­mer break.

We are excit­ed to show you Steve Novak’s Pre­sen­ta­tion about stereo pho­tog­ra­phy on film, putting two cam­eras, one from the 1950’s and one from the present in the spot­light, show­ing and eval­u­at­ing their differences. 

Addi­tion­al­ly we have the plea­sure to enjoy the lat­est com­mu­ni­ty slideshow with your stereopho­tos! With the top­ic “Hol­i­day”, it’s a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect back on this year’s sum­mer vacation.

We are look­ing for­ward to a chill meet­ing with you. See you on Sunday!

3D Trends

Stereo Photography on Film

Steve Novak

Steve will give a brief and casu­al com­par­i­son high­light­ing two stereo film cameras: 

The Kodak Stereo Cam­era from the 1950’s, and the Reto 3d Cam­era from 2019 to present. The includ­ed slideshow will present stereo results tak­en on 35mm film and show how both cam­eras have pros, cons and many dif­fer­ing features.

Community Slideshow

“Holiday” Challenge

VSC Mem­bers

Next Pho­to Chal­lenge: It’s time to revis­it those cher­ished vaca­tion mem­o­ries! Whether you explored a new place or had a cozy break at home, we want to see your high­lights. Let’s cap­ture the spir­it of hol­i­day together!

Sub­mit up to 2 stereo­scop­ic images (par­al­lel, side-by-side) to contact@vsc3d.com by Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 5th. Your shots will be fea­tured in our meet­ing slideshow.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, click the red but­ton on vsc3d.com. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. If you should expe­ri­ence prob­lems access­ing the meet­ing page, just send us a short mes­sage to contact@vsc3d.com and we will send you the direct link for the cur­rent meeting. 

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.