VSC Meeting, October 2023

Sunday, October 8 2023 at 2 pm EDT / 8 pm CEST

Our next online meet­ing is just around the cor­ner, and we’ve lined up a fan­tas­tic session:

Insights from Carl Wil­son on the art of 3D com­posit­ing, where he’ll share award-win­ning exam­ples. A cap­ti­vat­ing pre­sen­ta­tion by Leroy Hard­ing, focus­ing on macro stere­os of insects, along with the fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ries behind these images.

We also invite you to par­tic­i­pate in our Show & Tell ses­sion. Your con­tri­bu­tion not only show­cas­es your pas­sion but also sparks inspi­ra­tion with­in our community.

Hope to see you this Sunday!

3D Trends

Compositing with Carl

Carl Wil­son

Carl has been enchant­ed with 3D ever since he took his first stereo pho­to in 2005. Since then, has exper­i­ment­ed in almost every form of 3D, but the one he has found most use­ful over the years, and inspires the most cre­ativ­i­ty, is com­posit­ing. From the sub­tle to the sur­re­al, Carl will share many of his award win­ning 3D com­pos­it­ed pho­tos. He will also share some before-and-afters so we can appre­ci­ate the pow­er of this use­ful tech­nique. As Carl often says, “in the dig­i­tal age, we are only lim­it­ed by our imagination.”

Photographer Spotlight

Amazing Macro World

Leroy Hard­ing

Leroy Hard­ing is a por­trait pho­tog­ra­ph­er based in Har­ro­gate, Eng­land. He became inter­est­ed in macro pho­tog­ra­phy dur­ing the COVID lock­down and has made hun­dreds of images of insects. He is fas­ci­nat­ed by the details — and some­times beau­ty — that peo­ple don’t nor­mal­ly see in this par­tic­u­lar sub­ject mate­r­i­al. Leroy will show us his macro insect images and share the tech­niques he uses for mak­ing them.


Show & Tell

fea­tur­ing you!

Dur­ing our Show & Tell, every­one can show a per­son­al 3D item. This can be a trea­sure of your col­lec­tion, a stereo pho­to, or any­thing 3D relat­ed. We can’t wait to see you and your cool stuff! You don’t need to tell us in advance if or what you want to show, just come along!

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, go to meet.vsc3d.com to join. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. When you are about to check in, we would like to invite you to set your mark­er on our vir­tu­al meet­ing map. It’s avail­able on map.vsc3d.com.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.