VSC Meeting, October 2023
Sunday, October 8 2023 at 2 pm EDT / 8 pm CEST
Our next online meeting is just around the corner, and we’ve lined up a fantastic session:
Insights from Carl Wilson on the art of 3D compositing, where he’ll share award-winning examples. A captivating presentation by Leroy Harding, focusing on macro stereos of insects, along with the fascinating stories behind these images.
We also invite you to participate in our Show & Tell session. Your contribution not only showcases your passion but also sparks inspiration within our community.
Hope to see you this Sunday!

3D Trends
Compositing with Carl
Carl Wilson

Carl has been enchanted with 3D ever since he took his first stereo photo in 2005. Since then, has experimented in almost every form of 3D, but the one he has found most useful over the years, and inspires the most creativity, is compositing. From the subtle to the surreal, Carl will share many of his award winning 3D composited photos. He will also share some before-and-afters so we can appreciate the power of this useful technique. As Carl often says, “in the digital age, we are only limited by our imagination.”

Photographer Spotlight
Amazing Macro World
Leroy Harding

Leroy Harding is a portrait photographer based in Harrogate, England. He became interested in macro photography during the COVID lockdown and has made hundreds of images of insects. He is fascinated by the details — and sometimes beauty — that people don’t normally see in this particular subject material. Leroy will show us his macro insect images and share the techniques he uses for making them.
Show & Tell
featuring you!
During our Show & Tell, everyone can show a personal 3D item. This can be a treasure of your collection, a stereo photo, or anything 3D related. We can’t wait to see you and your cool stuff! You don’t need to tell us in advance if or what you want to show, just come along!

Meeting Info
At the meeting time, go to meet.vsc3d.com to join. Please use a nickname corresponding with your subscription so that we can identify you in the waiting room. When you are about to check in, we would like to invite you to set your marker on our virtual meeting map. It’s available on map.vsc3d.com.
Interested in presenting at one of our meetings? Sign up here.