VSC Meeting, May 2024

Sunday, May 5th at 2:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CEST

Save the date! On Sun­day, we have two enter­tain­ing pre­sen­ta­tions for you!

Susan Pin­sky and David Stark­man will talk about a boom peri­od for stereo­scop­ic 3‑D slides tak­en on Kodachrome film with cam­eras like the Stereo Real­ist in the 1950s and 1960s.

Our sec­ond pre­sen­ter is Dave Ross with his show about Stereo­scop­ic Dou­ble Expo­sures. Dave will dis­cuss his inter­est and meth­ods. We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing you on Sun­day and to spend­ing an excit­ing meet­ing together!


The 1950’s — The American Dream

Susan Pin­sky & David Starkman

The 1950s and ear­ly 1960s were a boom peri­od for stereo­scop­ic 3‑D slides tak­en on Kodachrome film with cam­eras like the Stereo Real­ist. For many years we have been dupli­cat­ing 3‑D slides from that peri­od, and this is a short show com­piled from these vin­tage images. The major­i­ty were tak­en in the South­ern Cal­i­for­nia area. 

3D Trends

Two Places At Once: Shooting Stereo Double Exposures

Dave Ross

Dave will dis­cuss his inter­est and meth­ods for shoot­ing dou­ble expo­sures in stereo. Over the past sev­er­al years of work­ing with slide film, he has sought oppor­tu­ni­ties to blend images in-cam­era while play­ing with their var­i­ous depths. See a col­lec­tion of both his failed attempts and occa­sion­al success!

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, click the red but­ton on vsc3d.com. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. If you should expe­ri­ence prob­lems access­ing the meet­ing page, just send us a short mes­sage to contact@vsc3d.com and we will send you the direct link for the cur­rent meeting.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.