VSC Meeting, March 2025

Sunday, March 9th at 3:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CET

Join us this Sun­day for an excit­ing vir­tu­al gath­er­ing!
We’re delight­ed to wel­come Nico­las Casano­va as he shares his insights into the tech­niques used by Hol­ly­wood Stu­dios as well as his hob­by, sequen­tial stereopho­tog­ra­phy.
After that, you can feel a sum­mer breeze on your skin as Vanes­sa takes us to the Greek island of Rhodes show­ing her vaca­tion stere­os from 2024.
We can’t wait to con­nect with you all this Sun­day, March 9th 2024, 3pm EDT / 8pm CET! 

3D Trends

Stereoscopy for Hollywood films: The good, the bad, and the vertical misalignment

Nico­las Casanova

Nico­las Casano­va, Stereo­scop­ic Super­vi­sor for 3D block­buster films shares insights into the process used by Hol­ly­wood stu­dios and his hob­by of tak­ing sequen­tial stereo photography.

Photographer Spotlight

Ancient Wonders & Modern Views: Rhodes in 3D

Vanes­sa Grein

Vanes­sa Grein will take you on a vir­tu­al hol­i­day. Her pre­sen­ta­tion will be fea­tur­ing stereo pho­tographs from her recent trip to Rhodes, Greece in May 2024. This col­lec­tion cap­tures the island’s ancient ruins, medieval archi­tec­ture and stun­ning coastal views in a way that brings his­to­ry to life.
Through 3D imagery you will expe­ri­ence Rhodes from a unique per­spec­tive, blend­ing its rich past with present-day charm.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, click the red but­ton on vsc3d.com. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. If you should expe­ri­ence prob­lems access­ing the meet­ing page, just send us a short mes­sage to contact@vsc3d.com and we will send you the direct link for the cur­rent meet­ing.
Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.