VSC Meeting, July 2024

Sunday, July 7th at 2:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CEST

You’re invit­ed to join our next VSC meet­ing on Sun­day, July 7th! 

We are thrilled to announce that our long-term mem­ber, Rob Caley, will be pre­sent­ing an insight­ful ses­sion: „Not only stereo­phon­ic but also stereo­scop­ic“. This is a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to delve into the fas­ci­nat­ing inter­sec­tion of visu­al and audi­to­ry art forms. 

As this will be our last meet­ing before the sum­mer break, we have planned some­thing spe­cial. We would love to have a relaxed and engag­ing chat with all of you. To make it more inter­ac­tive and enjoy­able, we have includ­ed a Show & Tell or Ask sec­tion. This is your chance to share your own projects, ask ques­tions, or sim­ply dis­cuss any­thing relat­ed to our shared passion. 

We look for­ward to see­ing you there and mak­ing this meet­ing a mem­o­rable one.


Not only Stereophonic, but also Stereoscopic

Rob Caley

Rob Caley will show some exam­ples of how a vari­ety of stereo­scop­ic imag­ing tech­niques have been used since the 1970s in the pack­ag­ing of stereo­phon­ic record­ings of a wide range of music styles.


Show & Tell / Ask

fea­tur­ing you!

Dur­ing our Show & Tell, every­one can show a per­son­al 3D item. This can be a trea­sure of your col­lec­tion, a stereo pho­to, or any­thing 3D relat­ed. We can’t wait to see you and your cool stuff! You don’t need to tell us in advance if or what you want to show, just come along! Addi­tion­al­ly you can ask ques­tions, or sim­ply dis­cuss any­thing relat­ed to our shared passion.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, click the red but­ton on vsc3d.com. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. If you should expe­ri­ence prob­lems access­ing the meet­ing page, just send us a short mes­sage to contact@vsc3d.com and we will send you the direct link for the cur­rent meeting.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.