VSC Meeting, July 2022

Sunday, July 7 at 2:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm GMT / 8:00 pm CEST

After a short sum­mer break, we are back! Join our next meet­ing on July 17 when we will have a talk by Bar­ry Roth­stein about how to cre­ate Phan­tograms as well as our com­mu­ni­ty slideshow with your images for the WATER challenge.

We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing you!

3D Trends


Bar­ry Rothstein

For the past sev­en­teen years, Bar­ry has been obsessed with and con­stant­ly explor­ing pho­to­graph­ic phan­tograms in var­i­ous forms. His pre­sen­ta­tion attempts to explain what phan­tograms are and why they con­tin­ue to dom­i­nate his stereo efforts.

Community Slide Show

Water Challenge

VSC Mem­bers

We’ve invit­ed all of you to take part in the sec­ond Stereo Chal­lenge for our com­mu­ni­ty slideshow. The theme of this chal­lenge is WATER. The sub­jects can be the sea or lakes, but also rivers, pools, pud­dles, drops, etc. It’s com­plete­ly up to your ideas and cre­ativ­i­ty, as long as the word WATER could serve as a title for your image. And you can still sub­mit up to two images to contact@vsc3D.com! Sub­mis­sion Dead­line is July 15.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, go to meet.vsc3d.com to join. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. When you are about to check in, we would like to invite you to set your mark­er on our vir­tu­al meet­ing map. It’s avail­able on map.vsc3d.com.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.