VSC Meeting, July 2022
Sunday, July 7 at 2:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm GMT / 8:00 pm CEST
After a short summer break, we are back! Join our next meeting on July 17 when we will have a talk by Barry Rothstein about how to create Phantograms as well as our community slideshow with your images for the WATER challenge.
We’re looking forward to seeing you!

3D Trends
Barry Rothstein

For the past seventeen years, Barry has been obsessed with and constantly exploring photographic phantograms in various forms. His presentation attempts to explain what phantograms are and why they continue to dominate his stereo efforts.

Community Slide Show
Water Challenge
VSC Members

We’ve invited all of you to take part in the second Stereo Challenge for our community slideshow. The theme of this challenge is WATER. The subjects can be the sea or lakes, but also rivers, pools, puddles, drops, etc. It’s completely up to your ideas and creativity, as long as the word WATER could serve as a title for your image. And you can still submit up to two images to contact@vsc3D.com! Submission Deadline is July 15.
Meeting Info
At the meeting time, go to meet.vsc3d.com to join. Please use a nickname corresponding with your subscription so that we can identify you in the waiting room. When you are about to check in, we would like to invite you to set your marker on our virtual meeting map. It’s available on map.vsc3d.com.
Interested in presenting at one of our meetings? Sign up here.