VSC Meeting, August 2022
Sunday, August 21 at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CEST
Join our anniversary meeting on August 21! For this special meeting we are happy to announce that our former team member Keita Wangari will present new items of her collection including Stere-o-card, Stereo-Foto and NPG — viewer systems.
Our second presenter will be Sonia Vílchez Molina. She takes us on a virtual trip to Spain and will show some of the most representative monuments, towns and natural wonders her country in 3D.
Finally, our anniversary meeting is all about our community. That’s why we will have some time for our In-Depth-Socializing section.
We’re looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. Bring some drinks to celebrate with us!

Vintage 3D Advertising Systems
Keita Wangari

Last year, Keita Wangari presented on her extensive collection of branded Stereo-Indupor viewers used for marketing in the 1920s. In this new presentation, she will broaden the examination to include Stere-o-card, Stereo-Foto and NPG — viewer systems that were used almost exclusively for product & industry marketing in the early- to mid-1900s. She will also share exclusive 3D advertising sets that use Taylor Merchant, Stori-view, Tru-Vue, Sterling and Realist viewers. What qualifies as a 3D advertising “system”? Which ones were geared toward consumers and which ones were geared toward other businesses? Where is this type of 3D marketing still occurring today? Let’s discuss!

Photographer spotlight
Spain in 3D: A trip from south to north
Sonia Vílchez Molina

In this presentation I’ll be showing some of the 3D photos that I’ve taken during my trip to different places in Spain. I’ll explain how I make all my stereos and show some of the most representative monuments, towns and natural wonders in my country.

In-Depth Socializing
featuring you!
The advantage of a virtual community is that we can gather online, no matter where we’re from. But we don’t have the chance to socialize in person. That’s why we have a section called „In-Depth Socializing“ to get to know each other a bit better.
Anybody who feels up to it is invited to introduce themselves: When and how did you encounter stereoscopy? What are you most interested in? Taking photos, collecting or discovering new 3D trends? But also: What do you do besides stereoscopy? Who is the person behind the stereo camera?
We’ll prepare a few easy ice breakers to start with and are looking forward to your stories.
Meeting Info
At the meeting time, go to meet.vsc3d.com to join. Please use a nickname corresponding with your subscription so that we can identify you in the waiting room. When you are about to check in, we would like to invite you to set your marker on our virtual meeting map. It’s available on map.vsc3d.com.
Interested in presenting at one of our meetings? Sign up here.