VSC Meeting, August 2022

Sunday, August 21 at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CEST

Join our anniver­sary meet­ing on August 21! For this spe­cial meet­ing we are hap­py to announce that our for­mer team mem­ber Kei­ta Wan­gari will present new items of her col­lec­tion includ­ing Stere-o-card, Stereo-Foto and NPG — view­er systems.

Our sec­ond pre­sen­ter will be Sonia Vílchez Moli­na. She takes us on a vir­tu­al trip to Spain and will show some of the most rep­re­sen­ta­tive mon­u­ments, towns and nat­ur­al won­ders her coun­try in 3D.

Final­ly, our anniver­sary meet­ing is all about our com­mu­ni­ty. That’s why we will have some time for our In-Depth-Social­iz­ing section.

We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing you next Sun­day. Bring some drinks to cel­e­brate with us!


Vintage 3D Advertising Systems

Kei­ta Wangari

Last year, Kei­ta Wan­gari pre­sent­ed on her exten­sive col­lec­tion of brand­ed Stereo-Indu­por view­ers used for mar­ket­ing in the 1920s. In this new pre­sen­ta­tion, she will broad­en the exam­i­na­tion to include Stere-o-card, Stereo-Foto and NPG — view­er sys­tems that were used almost exclu­sive­ly for prod­uct & indus­try mar­ket­ing in the ear­ly- to mid-1900s. She will also share exclu­sive 3D adver­tis­ing sets that use Tay­lor Mer­chant, Stori-view, Tru-Vue, Ster­ling and Real­ist view­ers. What qual­i­fies as a 3D adver­tis­ing “sys­tem”? Which ones were geared toward con­sumers and which ones were geared toward oth­er busi­ness­es? Where is this type of 3D mar­ket­ing still occur­ring today? Let’s discuss!

Photographer spotlight

Spain in 3D: A trip from south to north

Sonia Vílchez Molina

In this pre­sen­ta­tion I’ll be show­ing some of the 3D pho­tos that I’ve tak­en dur­ing my trip to dif­fer­ent places in Spain. I’ll explain how I make all my stere­os and show some of the most rep­re­sen­ta­tive mon­u­ments, towns and nat­ur­al won­ders in my country.


In-Depth Socializing

fea­tur­ing you!

The advan­tage of a vir­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty is that we can gath­er online, no mat­ter where we’re from. But we don’t have the chance to social­ize in per­son. That’s why we have a sec­tion called „In-Depth Social­iz­ing“ to get to know each oth­er a bit bet­ter.
Any­body who feels up to it is invit­ed to intro­duce them­selves: When and how did you encounter stere­oscopy? What are you most inter­est­ed in? Tak­ing pho­tos, col­lect­ing or dis­cov­er­ing new 3D trends? But also: What do you do besides stere­oscopy? Who is the per­son behind the stereo cam­era?
We’ll pre­pare a few easy ice break­ers to start with and are look­ing for­ward to your stories.

Meeting Info

At the meet­ing time, go to meet.vsc3d.com to join. Please use a nick­name cor­re­spond­ing with your sub­scrip­tion so that we can iden­ti­fy you in the wait­ing room. When you are about to check in, we would like to invite you to set your mark­er on our vir­tu­al meet­ing map. It’s avail­able on map.vsc3d.com.

Inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing at one of our meet­ings? Sign up here.