Founder and webmaster
Besides Pascal Martiné, who is the founder and webmaster of the stereosite, there are a few other members of the stereoscopic community that have become involved here.
Read more about Pascal on the About me page.
VSC Team
A new online community has found its home here at Stereosite. The Virtual Stereoscopic Community is an online community for anyone — regardless of skill level — interested in the world of stereoscopy. The team behind the VSC is dedicated to organizing and running the meetings; feel free to reach out to us at any time and join us virtually!
Get to know the team in person here.
Editorial Support
Without additional editorial support, it would not be possible to publish content in English so frequently, since not all of our authors are native speakers. The editorial support team also takes care of newly created parts of the website that need proofreading and constructive criticism and even helps to upload and publish new content.
Read more about the members of the editorial support here.
Support panel
Lastly, there are some long time stereo photographers to whom beginners wanting to improve their stereo photography skills can turn. This “support panel” can answer individual technical questions and give constructive feedback about stereo images sent to them. This way it is easily possible to work on images one is unsure about without uploading them anywhere in public. Read more about it here.
If you want to know who is part of it, visit the Support panel page.