Name/TitleTray-Stereoscope ‘Le Taxiphote modèle optique’ with Original storage cabinet
About this objectA bakelite tray containing 25 glass slides can be inserted by flipping down the front of the viewer. Then, by depressing the lever on the right side of the housing, one slide after another can be examined. On the left side of the viewer, there is a counter which indicates the number of the slide and allows navigation to a specific slide. There are also two smaller levers on the left. One brings a mirror into position allowing the slide title to be read through the right ocular while the other operates two block lenses inside the viewer used for magnification. These lenses can also be permanently lowered in front of the oculars by a switch on the inside.
The base of the viewer has three drawers holding four trays, making it possible to store a total of 300 slides. The storage cabinet contains ten additional drawers, resulting in a capacity of 1000 slides in total.
In-depth information on the Taxiphote can be found here: Le Taxiphote — the most famous French stereo viewer
Place MadeFrance
MakerRichard, Jules
Maker RoleManufacturer
Date Madec. 1925
Series TitleTaxiphote
TechniqueMulti-view, tray-based
TechniqueFocus, lens tubes
Subject and Association DescriptionShortly after the success of the ‘Vérascope’ stereoscopic camera, Jules Richard and his engineer Louis Colardeau patented the first model as ‘Stéréo-Classeur’ in 1899 and started production in the same year. It was renamed as ‘Le Taxiphote’ in 1900 and remained in production for around 40 years. The ‘Modèle optique’ was patented in 1905 and introduced as a novelty in the 1906 catalogue and the metal eyepieces were introduced in 1911. However, the viewer illustrated is most likely not produced until the late 1920’s according to its serial number.
All models were available in two standard versions, one in waxed walnut and one in polished mahogany. There were also deluxe versions with changing designs such as inlaid patterns of different woods or additional ornaments.
Object TypeStereoscope
Subject and Association KeywordsFR 3503 (L. Colardeau, J. Richard, 1899)
Subject and Association KeywordsFR 359266 (L. Colardeau, J. Richard, 1905/06)
Subject and Association KeywordsFR 438123 (J. Richard, 1911/12)
Medium and MaterialsGlass Slides
Object numberM‑SF011
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved
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