Villa Ecclesiae

The cen­ter­piece of these stere­oviews is Igle­sias, in the province of South Sar­dinia, Italy. It was found­ed in 1258, and its orig­i­nal name was Vil­la Eccle­si­ae (mean­ing Churchville – the town still counts 12 church­es to this day). Dur­ing Medieval times a cas­tle was built, which stills stands – over­look­ing the entire munic­i­pal­i­ty. After being ruled by Span­ish and Savoy monar­chies, Igle­sias expe­ri­enced a peri­od of eco­nom­ic, social and cul­tur­al renew­al dur­ing the mid 19th Cen­tu­ry. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there are no traces of ancient stere­o­graphs immor­tal­iz­ing Igle­sias before my own, so these pho­tographs are very-like­ly the first visu­al tes­ta­ments of this kind. 

Do you want to cre­ate your own mod­ern stere­o­cards? Find out in the cor­re­spond­ing arti­cle Stere­o­cards from mod­ern times.

This tree lit­er­al­ly stands in the mid­dle… of his­to­ry – it is locat­ed in the heart of the Old Town.
This is a per­fect exam­ple of what the city looked like in ear­li­er times. This ancient stair­case to a house remained defi­ant­ly in place.
Sit­u­at­ed at the heart of Igle­sias, it is the point of ref­er­ence for the local faithful.
A panoram­ic hyper-stereo view shot from the hill where the medieval Cas­tle stands.
Once-mighty fortress of Ugoli­no del­la Gher­ardesca, the founder of Igle­sias. Behind it a path leads along a short sec­tion of the town’s orig­i­nal walls.
Built before the city was even found­ed, it is posi­tioned in the out­skirts of the town. 

© 2021 Mary Friargiu 

Mary Friargiu  (Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy)

I devel­oped my pas­sion for pho­tog­ra­phy dur­ing the past cou­ple of years. My inter­est in stere­oscopy, came from the re-estab­lish­ment of The Lon­don Stereo­scop­ic Com­pa­ny and Dr. Bri­an May’s encour­age­ment to take stereo pho­tographs. I’ve been intrigued by his stere­o­graphs, so when I dis­cov­ered that I could make my own stereo pic­tures, I was keen to learn every­thing about stere­oscopy. To me, it’s the best way to con­nect with every­thing that sur­rounds me. I use my Smart­phone cam­era (Sam­sung Galaxy A41) to take stere­os; my favourite sub­jects are land­scapes and flow­ers.

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