Vancouver Island Secrets

The 6 stere­os you see here form a small rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the dif­fer­ent land­scapes on Van­cou­ver Island (Cana­da).  The first is Kin­sol Tres­tle, fin­ished after the con­clu­sion of WWI, which is one of the tallest wood­en rail­way bridges in the world.  Oth­er views include sail­boats docked near the Oak Bay Mari­na, the lit­tle sum­mer pools of the Kok­si­lah Riv­er, snow-cov­ered trees atop the peak of Mount Wash­ing­ton, a selec­tion of bright trees in Mys­tic Vale near my house, and a sun­set snap of the south­ern beach of McNeill Bay.  You prob­a­bly won’t rec­og­nize any of these loca­tions unless you’re an islander like me, but I’m proud to live in a place with such var­ied nat­ur­al beau­ty!  Come vis­it some time!

© 2021 Lind­say Cole

Lindsay Cole (Victoria, Canada)

My stereo-hob­by is quick­ly approach­ing its 3rd birth­day, prov­ing once again how time flies!  I start­ed tak­ing stereo pho­tos when I was liv­ing in Ham­burg, Ger­many, and need­ed a per­son­al inter­est to pass the time.  Like many peo­ple I first encoun­tered the stereo process thanks to Dr. Bri­an May, and since then I’ve met many won­der­ful pho­tog­ra­phers and artists! I main­ly enjoy hyper­stere­os and pho­tos that can demon­strate the grandios­i­ty of my sub­jects.  Hav­ing returned to Cana­da, my main focus has been the nat­ur­al beau­ty and colour that sur­rounds me every day.  Any time I’m on a hike or camp­ing excur­sion I’m sure to snap a few pic­tures! It’s amaz­ing how much you can do with a smart­phone.  My only equip­ment cur­rent­ly is my trusty, old, cracked Sam­sung Note 8… the cam­era is great and that’s all that mat­ters!  Sequen­tial pho­tos do have a lim­it, but there’s enough for me to work with for now!
