Using Artificial Intelligence in the Stereoscopic World
The binocular system and the stereopsis process is a personal experience that makes us feel different emotions when looking at stereoscopic images. The father of the stereoscopy, Charles Wheatstone, used geometric pictures to demonstrate his thesis about the “physiology of binocular vision”. Later on, photography used the stereoscopic method to start a revolution in the world of images. From then on, very few non-photographic stereoscopics works have been made. Ray Zone, Salvador Dalí, James Cameron and others have used other techniques to create new stereoscopic illusions. Artificial Intelligence could be a new way to create stereoscopic worlds that are neither better nor worse, just different.
Lluís Dubreuil (Sabadell, Spain)
Born in Spain in 1950, retired in 2011. I’ve been working as an Electronic Engineer for 40 years in the computer and telecommunications fields. I started to investigate stereoscopy in 2008 and started teaching stereoscopic photography in 2009 at the “Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.” In 2012, I co-created the stereoscopic company Global3DSolutions. In 2016 and 2017, I won 18 awards and mentions in different 3D PSA International Exhibitions and from 2017–2018, I exhibited my 3D project “Saba3dell, stereoscopic illusions”.
Instagram-profile: 3d.dubreuil
Facebook: lluis.dubreuiltorruella