Translucent stereoscopic symmetry

The work being dis­played in this gallery I call dou­ble expo­sure stereo­scop­ic images.

I start with a stereo­scop­ic image in side by side “par­al­lel view” for­mat and process the images for the left and the right eye sep­a­rate­ly. I use an image edi­tor to pro­duce the mir­ror image of the left and the right eye images, and then com­bine them to pro­duce com­pos­ite images for each eye. Image one is the com­pos­ite of the orig­i­nal image for the left eye with the mir­ror image for the right eye. Image two is the orig­i­nal image for the right eye with the mir­ror image of the left eye­’s image. I then use the 3DSteroidPro appli­ca­tion to recom­bine the two com­pos­ite images into a sin­gle par­al­lel view stereo­scop­ic image. 

Using this approach not only adds an ele­ment of sym­me­try not present in the sub­ject that was orig­i­nal­ly pho­tographed, but adds an ele­ment of translu­cent stereo­scop­ic sym­me­try to the depic­tion of the sub­ject. This approach has worked quite well work­ing with images of mod­ern abstract sculp­tures, and also with archi­tec­tur­al fea­tures like staircases.

© 2021 William Angel

William Angel (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)

I’ve been cre­at­ing stereo­scop­ic images for a lit­tle over 2 years. I start­ed by doing an anaglyp­tic images but changed over to “par­al­lel view” (side by side) dis­play, as a par­al­lel view full col­or visu­al dis­play is more appeal­ing for some of the sub­ject mat­ter that I shoot stereo­scop­i­cal­ly, espe­cial­ly flow­ers. I guess you could call me a “cha cha” stereo pho­tog­ra­ph­er. I take a shot with my DSLR, take a step to the left, and take the oth­er stereo­scop­ic shot.
I’m a retired soft­ware devel­op­er. I now devote myself exclu­sive­ly to my pho­to­graph­ic inter­ests, which include stere­oscopy, infrared pho­tog­ra­phy, macro pho­tog­ra­phy, street/event pho­tog­ra­phy, and zoo pho­tog­ra­phy. 

Insta­gram-pro­files: billangel6, billangel_stereo_parallelview
Flickr-pro­file: bill_angel