Freezing the movement of light
Each light trails project is a new experience in terms of results. Of course, as a photographer, I have a specific idea of the stereo I want to create, and set up my shoot accordingly. Then I observe the lights while shooting and imagine how the final stereo would look. But I make my ultimate decisions during post-processing, and translate my vision in its final form- sometimes I create and “paint” a picture out of a collection of single pics (see the Central stereo), or let a single shot speak for itself (see Knabenschiessen as example)….
Thomas Asch (Zürich, Switzerland)
The Collector: In the early 1980s I found at a flea market a bundle of Viewmaster reels with a viewer and this was the spark for enthusiastic collecting of stereoscopy until today. My collection consists of stereo cards, Viewmaster and of course “hardware” such as Stereoscopes and Cameras.
The Photographer: In 1983 I bought a Revere from the 50s as my first Stereocamera and shortly after that a View Master Personal Camera to begin creating my own stereo photography. Main stereo subjects in the following years were my family and travel photos on various trips. After my retirement from an IT job, five years ago, my activities and pretensions as stereo photographer broadened significantly.
Instagram-profile: thomas.asch_3d_passion