Deep Clouds

The fol­low­ing col­lec­tion is a small sam­ple of my favorite cloud stereo pho­tos from the last few years while fly­ing over Europe and the South­west­ern por­tion of the Unit­ed States. These images are all tak­en sequen­tial­ly with an iPhone, and processed using a few dif­fer­ent apps. For me there is no trick in tak­ing cloud pho­tos oth­er wait­ing for the plane to lev­el off and push­ing the but­ton. The impor­tant and some­times tire­some step hap­pens after, when choos­ing the 2 cor­rect pho­tos out of dozens to match togeth­er for the well bal­anced stereo pho­to. I hope you enjoy the collection.

© 2021 James Hoppes

James Hoppes (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)

I start­ed tak­ing stereo pho­tos in May of 2019. While wast­ing time on Insta­gram, I stum­bled upon a col­lec­tion of par­al­lel view stereo pho­tos and imme­di­ate­ly I was hooked. The per­fect storm of the warm and invit­ing com­mu­ni­ty of stereo pho­tog­ra­phers on Insta­gram, my abil­i­ty to free­view, and the ease and con­ve­nience of the smart­phone cam­era, has pro­vid­ed me with a new hob­by and a new way to look at the world around me. I have spent the last two years doing the cha cha every­where with my iPhone, often con­fus­ing friends and fam­i­ly, but I am deter­mined nev­er to waste anoth­er pho­to­graph­ic moment on a stan­dard 2d pho­to.
In my spare time, I am a full-time father to two won­der­ful daugh­ters, after hav­ing enjoyed a short career as a pol­i­cy advo­cate in the non-prof­it world.

Insta­gram-pro­file: chud­dees