Beneath the waves

Once becom­ing a div­er in 2004, it was only a mat­ter of time before I took my love of stereo pho­tog­ra­phy beneath the waves. When div­ing, you are nev­er sure exact­ly what you will find, but inevitably some­thing won­der­ful appears before you. The chal­lenge is cap­tur­ing what you see before the scene van­ish­es. The images here are a sam­pling of some of my favorites from var­i­ous trips – most­ly in the Caribbean, but also as far away as Indone­sia. Part of my goal in shar­ing these images is to inspire oth­ers to ‘take the plunge’ and go dis­cov­er the vast num­ber of beau­ti­ful sea crea­tures for them­selves. All images were tak­en with a mod­i­fied Nim­s­lo, called a Burd­lo (made by David Bur­der) inside of a cus­tom under­wa­ter hous­ing in con­junc­tion with an exter­nal strobe.

© 2021 Ted Papoulas

Ted Papoulas (Montclair, New Jersey, USA)

I was born in NYC, grad­u­at­ed from Brook­lyn’s Pratt Insti­tute as an illus­tra­tion major in 1988, and lived in Park Slope, Brook­lyn for most of the next 25 years before mov­ing to my wife’s home town of Mont­clair, NJ to raise our fam­i­ly. I’ve worked as a fine artist and illus­tra­tor, and in the field of dig­i­tal media and web devel­op­ment. After catch­ing the 3D bug in 1991, I pur­chased my first Real­ist and fell in love with stere­og­ra­phy. I briefly ran the Stereo Stamp Com­pa­ny, sell­ing stereo­scop­ic rub­ber stamps made from both my orig­i­nal art­work and 3D con­ver­sions and inter­pre­ta­tions of var­i­ous 3D themed art (movie posters, etc.) I became a cer­ti­fied div­er in 2004 and since, have loved shar­ing the world below via stereo­scop­ic photography.